A chain of shops in East Yorkshire, England has been
told that it would be a criminal offence to sell thousands of tubes of
toothpaste made by a leading French manufacturer simply because the small print
giving the firm importing it does not include the letters "UK". Under cosmetics
regulations implementing 25 separate European Union instructions, unless the
address is London, which is "a major city", the letters UK must be added. The
suppliers response, when Gordon Rodgers’s A2Z chain asked them to take back the
toothpaste, was that this would pose no problem, because trading standards
officials elsewhere in Britain do not bother about such fault-finding to a very
minute detail. A2Z, which sells a range of more than 10 000 household items from its 14 discount stores in Hull and East Yorkshire, first stumbled into these mysteri A. They look after customers’ interests. B. They are very strict with the labelling of cosmetics. C. They just make work to give themselves a job. D. They protect EU suppliers. [单选题]关于药品重点监测研究,以下说法不正确的是
A.重点监测主要是观察上市后药品在广泛人群使用情况下的不良反应 B.重点监测一般采用主动监测的方法 C.为了更好的了解药品的不良反应,所有药品上市后都需要开展重点监测 D.重点监测一般在不干预诊疗的情况下进行 [单项选择]
Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) A great many creatures have what are called warning colours, that is to say, the colouration warns every creature that the animal in question is dangerous. The skunk(臭鼬) is one of the best (1) of this, with his brilliant black and white fur. He walks (2) even in broad daylight and shows no (3) when he sees you. He heavily (4) his feet and puts his (5) up in the air, daring you not to come (6) closer. And if you don’t take (7) of the warning he will spray you with his evil-smelling (8) , and noanimal that has been (9) by a skunk will let it happen (10) In the Reptile House at a zoo you will probably find a case (11) of small tree frogs. Now, a great (12) of creatures like to eat frogs, and so some frogs as a (13) [单项选择]冰心第二阶段的"问题小说"代表作《超人》,给社会问题开出的药方是()
A. 社会改革 B. 教育救国 C. "爱"的哲学 D. 人道主义 [单项选择]信用卡账户自开户后的各项交易均记入全国的()系统。
A. 个人征信 B. 个人结算 C. 个人信用 D. 个人贷款 [填空题]11 【 】应设置安全可靠的防倾覆、防坠落装置,每一作业层架体外侧应设置符合要求的防护栏杆和挡脚板。
A. 风险责任人 B. 风险事故 C. 损失 D. 风险因素 [单选题]易燃液体主要危险特性不包含()。
A.易燃性 B.窒息性 C.热膨胀性 D.蒸发性 [判断题]个人大额存单采用电子化方式记录债权,可在卡内或开具存单方式购买。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]47、起重机须设电器安全保护装置,如:( )。
A.主隔离开关、紧急开关、短路保护。 B.操纵绝缘保护、人体静电保护。 C.零位保护、失磁保护、过流保护、联锁保护。 D.接地保护,良好照明。 [判断题]高速铁路中心锚结线夹处接触线高度与相邻吊弦接触线高度应相等,允许偏差0~20mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制定起重机吊运指挥信号标准的目的是保证吊运安全、防止事故发生、()
A.提高工作效率 B.应对安全检查 C.适应科学管理 [单选题]关于恩氟烷的叙述,下列哪项是的?
A.可降低眼内压 B.可颅内压 C.有肾毒性 D.对呼吸无抑制作用 [判断题]( )仪表风中断可能导致大部分控制阀失灵。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电子商务中的信用机制的法律构建必须秉承“前瞻、谨慎、奏效”的信念和方向,本着( )的原则.
A.防范病毒 B.安全认证 C.诚实信用 D.实际履行 [单项选择]易散气味的是
A. 柏子仁 B. 石膏 C. 淡附片 D. 芒硝 E. 月季花 [单选题] 哪种情况不可能有心悸的症状
A.急性肺水肿; B.胸主动脉瘤; C.口服阿托品; D.肺心病; E.左心衰竭; [多选题]建立房地产经纪机构品牌时,应做的工作包括( )。
A.制定企业的品牌战略 B.通过服务质量的全面提高,提升客户感知价值,保持和扩大企业品牌的影响力 C.通过建立良好和持续的客户关系,强化客户的归属感和品牌忠诚 D.树立企业在市场中独一无二的形象和标示 E.建立品牌的识别系统,并进行品牌传播 [单项选择]档案馆是先期保存具有长久保存价值档案的()机构。
A. 永久性机构 B. 过渡性机构 C. 长期性机构 D. 最终保管机构 [判断题]无缝固定型道岔的接头应全部焊接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若专责监护人必须长时间离开工作现场时,应由( )变更专责监护人,履行变更手续,并告知全体被监护工作人员。
A.工作票签发人 B.工作负责人 C.小组负责人 D.工作许可人 [填空题]S5
[单选题]电荷有规则的定向移动称为电流。凡大小和方向都随时间变化的电流称为( )。[中]
A.直流电流 B.稳恒电流 C.交流电流 D.稳压电流 [单项选择]The teacher has his students ______ a subject report every month.
A. to write B. written C. writing D. write 我来回答: 提交