Bringing up children is hard work, and you are often to blame for any bad behavior of your children. If so, Judith Rich Harris has good news for you. Parents, she argues, have no important long-term effects on the development of the personality of their children. Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood companions. Ms. Harris takes to bits the assumption which has dominated developmental psychology for almost half a century.
Ms. Harris’s attack on the developmentalists’ "nurture" argument looks likely to reinforce doubts that the profession was already having. If parents matter, why is it that two adopted children, reared in the same home, are no more similar in personality than two adopted children reared in separate homes Or that a pair of identical twins, reared in the same home, are no more alike than a pair of identical twins reared in different homes
Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upb
A. proved
B. emphasized
C. compared
D. ignored
算法的空间复杂度是指 (44) ,算法的时间复杂度是指 (45) 。
45() Shopping has always been something of
an impulse activity, in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are
immediately bought on a whim. Advertisers and sellers have taken advantage of
this fact, carefully positioning inexpensive but attractive items on paths that
we are most likely to cross, hoping that our human nature will lead to a greater
profit for them. With the dawn of the Internet and its exploding use across the
world, the same tactics apply. Advertisers now place "banners", links to commercial web sites decorated with attractive pictures designed to catch our eyes while browsing the webs, on key web sites with heavy traffic. They pay top dollar for the right, thus creating profits for the hosting web site as well. These actions are performed in the hopes that during the course of our casual and leisurely web surf A. has taken the place of more traditional methods of advertising. B. is one of the most effective ways to make profits on the web. C. is paralleling advertising methods in traditional business settings. D. seeks to tempt customers through impulse shopping methods. [单选题]信访人对行政机关作出的信访事项处理意见不服的,可以自收到书面答复之日起30日内请求原办理行政机关的( )复查。
A.主要负责人 B.上一级行政机关 C.上级行政机关 D.工作人员 [多选题]在下列( )情况下,机油警告灯会发亮。
A.油压警告灯开关接触不良 B.机油滤清器上的油压警告灯开关短路 C.润滑系油压过低 D.警告灯至传感开关间线路对铁短路 [单选题] 中队(站)应当组织干部查铺查哨,每夜不少于2次,其中1次必须在什么时间进行?( )
A.熄灯后2小时至次日起床前1小时之间 B.午夜以前 C.午夜以后 D. 熄灯后1小时至次日起床前半小时之间 [单选题]导管相关血流感染,抗生素封管时间必须( )以上
A.1周 B.10天 C.2周 D.3周 [单选题]下列关于计算机病毒的叙述中,正确的是( )。
A. 计算机病毒的特点之一是具有免疫性 B. 计算机病毒是一种有逻辑错误的小程序 C. 反病毒软件必须随着新病毒的出现而升级,提高查、杀病毒的功能 D. 感染过计算机病毒的计算机具有对该病毒的免疫性 我来回答: 提交