With the increasing pace of economic globalization and competition among various countries in the market, information, technology, professionals, capital and other types of economic resources is becoming increasingly evident. International (1) is becoming progressively (2) . Previously (3) competition among enterprises in different countries is growing gradually into competition among governments that finds expression in a concentrated form. Previous (4) contention for enterprises’ interests in the world market now evidences itself in the contention for (5) interests. In this new situation, to (6) national interests and to enable a country to be constantly in a favorable position in the international market, the most important thing is to have a highly (7) government that (8) the full trust of citizens.
The basic objective of the study of the "government administration" is to (9)
A. durable
B. due
C. dull
D. dual
Most of us trade money for
entertainment. Movies, concerts and shows are enjoyable but expensive. (78)
{{U}}If you think that you can’t have a good time without spending a lot of money,
read on.{{/U}} A little resourcefulness and a few minutes of newspaper- scanning
should give you some pleasant surprises. People may be the most interesting show in a large city. Stroll through busy streets and see what everybody else is doing. (79) {{U}}You will probably see people from all over the world; you will certainly see people of every age, size, and shape, and you’ II get a free fashion show, too.{{/U}} Window - shopping is also a safe sport - if the stores are closed. Check the listings in your neighborhood paper. Local colleges or schools often welcome the public to hear an interesting speaker or a good debate. The film o A. There are many kinds of amusements you can enjoy with spending no money. B. The film shown at the local public library is often free of charge. C. Local colleges often hold meetings to debate the issues people are interested in. D. You should be a tourist if you want to know more about the city you live in. [单项选择]氯喹一般不适用于下列哪种疾病治疗()
A. 口腔白斑(OLK) B. 口腔扁平苔藓(OLP) C. DLE D. 结节病 E. 光化性唇炎 [判断题]LKJ未输或×输限速指令,致使列车超过规定限速运行,列一般D类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者女性,31岁。剖宫产后腹部切口肉芽过度增生,应选用下列哪种药物换药( )
A. 2.5%碘酊 B. 3%过氧化氢 C. 10%硝酸银 D. 70%乙醇 E. 漂白粉硼酸溶液 [单选题]3.141. 第1题
城乡居民家庭住宅小区内的公共场所电梯、水泵、消防用电类别属于非普工业,不可以执行居民合表0.5483元 /千瓦时的电价。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发电机中的电抗器有什么作用( )。
A.于移相后的电流叠加,补偿电枢反应 B.在发电机空载建立电压时,通过它把发电机电压升至额定值 C.在带负载时与变流器一起作用,稳定发电机的工作电压 D.在发电机带负载时,输出一个与负载电流相应变化的励磁电流 [单项选择][复合型非选择题]男,65岁,近2年来右上肢抖动,动作迟缓面容呆板,行走起步困难,体检右上下肢肌张力齿轮样增高。最不应给的药物是()
A. 苯海拉明 B. 阿普唑仑 C. 安坦 D. 氯丙嗪 E. 尼莫地平 [单项选择]表面张力常指的是()表面上所产生的张力。
A. 固~气 B. 液~气 C. 液~固 [多选题]特种设备出厂时,应当附有安全技术规范要求的( )等。
A.设计文件 B.产品质量合格证明 C.安装说明 D.使用维修说明 [多选题]转子流量计在实际使用时,由于被测介质的密度和所处的工作状态与标定条件不同,使得转子流量计的 指示值和被测介质实际流量值之间存在一定差别,所以必须对流量指示值按照实际被测介质的( )等参数的具体情况进行修正。
A.质量 B.密度 C.温度 D.压力 [单选题]心肺复苏抢救时,胸部按压每分钟不少于( )次。
A.60 B.80 C.100 [单项选择]某二级分行开展年度基本转授权工作时,拟定基本转授权方案的部门或岗位是()
A. 信贷管理部 B. 副行长 C. 内控合规部 D. 财务会计部 [填空题](75544)当负载转矩是三相 △ 连接笼型异步电动机直接启动转矩的 1 / 2 时,减压启动设备应选用
() 。 [212107238](1.0分) [单选题]在机场预报中,“9999”表示能见度()。
A.大于或等于5km B.大于或等于10km C.CAVOK天气 D.9999m [单选题]SAM提供甲基可生成的物质是
A.脂肪 B.苯丙氨酸 C.胸腺密绽 D.肌酸 E.瞟吟 [单选题]体位性低血压患者应指导患者睡眠时,应抬高床头的度数是
A.5℃-10℃ B.10℃-30℃ C.30℃-40℃ D.40℃-60℃ [单选题]下列哪项不需要进行防腐处理( )
A.后置埋件 B.金属吊杆 C.龙骨 D.灯具 [单选题]1.18汽车、挂车、低速车和摩托车号牌工本费分别为每车_____。
A.80元、35元、50元、40元 B.100元、50元、40元、35元 C.100元、50元、70元、40元 D.100元、40元、35元、50元 [多选题]大客流信息汇报内容为:
A.A.大客流发生时间、地点 B.B.大客流产生原因及影响范围 C.C.客流变化趋势及已采取措施 D.D.是否需要线间支援 [单项选择]客运记录未按照编号使用给予责任人()考核。
A. B类 B. A类 C. 严重A D. 离岗一个月 [单项选择]医学伦理学的原则,不含有
A. 公正 B. 尊重 C. 胆识 D. 有利 E. 不伤害 [单项选择]崩漏的主要机理是()
A. 冲任不固,不能制约经血 B. 热伤冲任,迫血妄行 C. 瘀阻冲任,血不循经,非时而下 D. 中气下陷,冲任不固,血失统摄 E. 肾虚封藏不固,冲任失摄 [填空题]可燃粉尘的粒径越小,发生爆炸的危险性()。
A.白鲜皮 B.五加皮 C.地骨皮 D.以上都是 [单选题]第二十次全国公安会议提出坚持( )要做到严格教育、严格管理、严格监督、严格训练、严格纪律。
A.从严治警 B.政治建警 C.科教强警 D.依法治警 我来回答: 提交