A land free from destruction, wealth, natural
resources, and labor supply--all these were important{{U}} (21) {{/U}}in
helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.{{U}}
(22) {{/U}}they were not enough. Something{{U}} (23)
{{/U}}was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special",
was men{{U}} (24) {{/U}}individuals who could invent machines, find
new{{U}} (25) {{/U}}of power, and establish business organizations to
reshape the society. The men who{{U}} (26) {{/U}}the machines of the Industrial Revolution{{U}} (27) {{/U}}from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were{{U}} (28) {{/U}}inventors than scientists, A man who is a{{U}} (29) {{/U}}scientist is primarily interested in doing his research{{U}} (30) {{/U}}. He is not necessarily working{{U}} (31) {{/U}}that his A. now B. all C. and D. so [填空题](238143)供油提前角可用装在推杆体与( )之间的垫片进行调整。(1.0分)
[单项选择]计划就是根据环境的需要和自身的特点,确定在( )内的目标,并通过计划的编制,协调各类资源以期顺利达到预期目标的过程。
A. 具体任务 B. 一定时期 C. 计划任务 D. 一定方案 [单项选择]
Fifty is the gateway to the most liberating passage in a woman’s life. Children are making test flights out of the nest. Parents are expected to be roaming in their recreational vehicles or sending postcards of themselves riding camels. Free at last! Women can graduate from the precarious balancing act between parenting and pursuit of a career. That has been the message of my books since I wrote New Passages 15 years ago. What I didn’t see coming was the boomerang. [多项选择]我国建设项目管理制度中包括( )。
A. 项目法人责任制 B. 投资项目资本金制度 C. 工程建设监理制度 D. 建设项目招标投标制度 E. 建设项目后评价制度 [填空题]指在收费公路通行过程中发生过依法应当交纳而未交、少交、拒交车辆通行费等行为且证据确凿的车辆,对相关车牌号码进行通行限制、追缴通行费的车牌名单定义为( )。
A.P-1326 B.P-1333 C.P-1353 D.P-1526 [单选题]不符合人工呼吸操作要领的是()
A.一手按额,两指捏鼻,另一手托颈 B.略深吸一口气,包严口部,迅速吹入然后松开鼻孔,观察换气 C.吹气时感到气道阻力应加大力度吹以清除异物 [填空题]城域网简称为 【9】 。
[判断题] 事故发生后,事故现场有关人员应当立即向本单位负责人报告。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]数据传输方式有等通信()
A. 单工、双工、频带 B. 单工、基带、宽带 C. 基带、宽带、频带 D. 双工、基带、宽带 [判断题]通货膨胀得以实现的前提是现代货币供给的形成机制↵
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为用户安装的燃气计量装置应当经过依法设立的计量检定机构检定合格,并粘贴( )标识。用户对无检定合格标识的燃气计量装置可以拒绝安装使用。
A.投资和交易国债、地方政府债、央行票据与政策性金融债。 B.与政策性银行开展的资金业务。 C.收益凭证 D.债券、同业存单和票据交易业务中银行机构作为交易对手 E.其他经有权审批人批准的低风险业务。 [单项选择]前后制动器分泵密封圈发胀或发粘与泵体卡死,造成()。
A. 制动不灵 B. 制动拖滞 C. 制动噪音 D. 制动跑偏 [填空题]点支承玻璃幕墙玻璃之间的空隙宽度不应小于()mm。且应采用()建筑密封胶嵌缝。
A.供药及时率不得低于99.5% B.配方成方率不得低于90% C.计价准确率不得低于99% D.药品养护率不得低于99% E.处方合格率不得低于99% [判断题]( ) 向机车交递凭证时,须面向来车方向,交后迅速回到安全位置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交