Long-married couples often schedule a
weekly "date night"—a regular evening out with friends or at a favorite
restaurant to strengthen their marital bond. But brain and behavior researchers say many couples are going about date night all wrong. Simply spending quality time together is probably not enough to prevent a relationship from getting stale. Using laboratory studies, real-world experiments and even brain-scan data, scientists can now offer longmarried couples a simple prescription for rekindling the romantic love that brought them together in the first place. The solution Reinventing date night. Rather than visiting the same familiar haunts and dining with the same old friends, couples need to tailor their date nights around new and different activities that they both enjoy, says A A. original. B. ordinary. C. imaginative. D. novel. [单选题]装设剩余电流保护器虽然是一种很有效的触电防护措施,但不能作为单独的( )触电的防护手段,它必须和基本防护措施一起做好。
A.跨步电压 B.基本防护 C.直接接触 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司信息安全督查管理办法》(Q/CSG218015-2014),对于涉及商业秘密信息系统的安全评估,应依据()开展。
A.《信息安全技术信息安全风险评估规范》 B.《中央企业商业秘密信息系统安全技术指引》 C.《信息安全技术网络安全等级保护基本要求》 D.《信息安全技术网络安全等级保护测评过程指南》 [多选题] 经办客户经理应对用于质押的票据审核查验,具体包括对用于质押的银行承兑汇票的()、()等进行认真审核。
A.真伪性 B.票据要素 C.真实交易 D.背书连续性 [单选题]王某与孙某签订了房屋租赁合同,合同中未约定租赁期限,王某租住3个月后,向孙某提出第二天退房。以下说法正确的是:
A.王某有权随时解除租赁合同 B.王某无权解除租赁合同 C.王某有权解除租赁合同,但是应当在合理期限之前通知孙某 D.王某应当承担违约责任 [单选题]SF6开关及GIS组合电器绝缘下降的主要原因是由于()的影响。
A.SF6气体杂质 B.SF6中水分 C.SF6比重 D.SF6设备绝缘件 [单项选择]外汇现汇交易中使用的汇率是()。
A. 远期汇率 B. 即期汇率 C. 远期升水 D. 远期贴水 [名词解释]中毒型细菌性痢疾
[单项选择]Every summer Carol has a two-week vacation(假期). She usually travels (1) during her vacation and visits new places. Last August she (2) in Europe. Europe was very beautiful, (3) her vacation wasn’t very nice. She was on a tour(游览)of four countries, and she was in each country only three days. She visited (4) museums and was always in a hurry. Carol was on the train or on a bus almost every day. After (5) vacation she was tired and bored.
This summer she is going to (6) her vacation in a (7) way. She is going to travel (8) a friend to one country, and visit only one city. They are going to choose a city on the coast(海滨)so that they can go to the seaside sometimes. This year Carol isn’t going to feel tired (9) her vacation. She is going to feel (10) . [A] spend [B] spending [C] spent [多选题]装过危险货物的货车,卸后应清扫干净。下列情况应进行洗刷除污( )。
A.装过剧毒品的毒品车 B.发生过撒漏、受到污染(包括有刺激异味)的货车 C. 回送检修运输过危险货物的货车 D.装运过有机过氧化性物质 [单项选择]