{{B}}How Sled Dogs Work{{/B}} They’re physical wonders-able to endure extreme conditions for extensive periods of time while running fast and pulling more than their own weight. Sled (雪橇) dogs have been around for generations, and today they remain a large part of a dog driver’s life. In Arctic (北极的) regions, some 35 000 years ago, Eskimos’ dogs bred with wolves and other dogs. Their offspring were well-adapted to the cold and snow. There’s no saying exactly when someone thought to have dogs pull sleds, but it was well before 1000 B. C. that dog sleds provided a means of transportation and a way to haul goods. In recent years, people looking for unique outings have gone on recreational trips with sled dogs. A number of companies market tourist treks via dog sled for adventure travelers. Dogsl A. fight with other dogs B. are too heavy to run C. are friendly and gentle D. develop reliability on the owner [简答题](三)
某豪华酒店工程项目,18层框架一混凝土结构,全现浇混凝土楼板,主体工程已全部完工,经验收合格。进入装饰装修施工阶段,该酒店的装饰装修工程由某装饰公司承揽了施工任务,装饰装修工程施工工期为150d,装饰公司在投标前已领取了全套施工图纸,该装饰装修工程采用固定总价合同,合同总价为720万元。 该装饰公司在酒店装修的施工过程中采取了以下施工方法:地面镶边施工过程中,在靠墙处采用砂浆填补,在采用掺有水泥的拌和料做踢脚线时,用石灰浆进行打底,木竹地面的最后一遍涂饰在裱糊工程开始前进行。对地面工程施工采用的水泥的凝结时间和强度进行复验后开始使用。 在水磨石整体面层施工过程中,采用同类材料以分格条设置镶边。 问题 该酒店的装饰装修工程合同采用固定总价是否妥当,为什么 [单项选择]
A. 35.30 B. 35.33 C. 40.92 D. 41.01 [单项选择]男性,45岁。上腹隐痛,便潜血阳性,钡餐见胃窦小弯侧黏膜纹理紊乱,胃壁僵直。首先考虑
A. 慢性胃炎 B. 胃溃疡 C. 胃癌 D. 胃淋巴肉瘤 E. 萎缩性胃炎 [单项选择]船速10kn,计划航迹向060o,流向015o,流速5kn,则其真航向、推算航速为()。
A. TC055°,V13kn B. TC081°,V13kn C. TC055°,V6.5kn D. TC081°,6.5kn [多选题]系统在运行中( ),都会引起工频电压升高。
A.突然甩负荷 B.空载长线路的电容效应 C.单相接地 D.相间短路 [多选题]未来几年我国银行卡产业形态将在加速演变之中逐步走向成熟,具体表现在( )方面都将发生深刻变化。
A.产业组织形式 B.商业模式 C.技术标准 D.市场格局 [单项选择]YJl7卷烟机油墨辊与油墨喷嘴的间隙应小于()mm。
A. 0.01 B. 0.02 C. 0.1 D. 0.15 [多项选择]不宜与藜芦同用的有
A. 苦参 B. 丹参 C. 北沙参 D. 玄参 E. 西洋参 [判断题]鱼的骨骼肌组成与哺乳动物不同。
A.不可 B.尽快 C.可以 D.迅速 [单项选择]犯罪嫌疑人王某因盗窃被拘留,对侦查人员的讯问______。
A. 有权保持沉默 B. 有权拒绝回答 C. 有权要求律师在场 D. 与本案无关的问题,可以拒绝回答 [填空题]
Many companies nowadays are finding that playing games can be beneficial to their executives.Although (31) .are certainly plenty of opportunities to play management games,it should not be thought that this is because business people are light-hearted.They are often quite (32) opposite,in fact.With all the pressures of modern business life,many people do not have the opportunity to relax.Games can allow individual self-expression and give business people the time (33) explore practical issues. Many team-based games take place outside.Here the facilitators try to bring out issues of team communication,strategy and working style.Board games are also popular.In most of (34) teams are required to manage an organisation or practice skills which they will need in their day-to-day working life. At a different level,there are inter-company games in (35) teams from a range of organisations and ind [填空题]物质由一种状态迅速地转变为另一种状态,并在瞬间以()的形式放出巨大能量,或气体,蒸汽在瞬间发生剧烈膨胀等现象,均称为爆炸。
[单选题]下列对个人资产负债表的理解错误的一项是( )。
A.资产负债表的记账法遵循会计恒等式“资产=负债+所有者权益” B.资产负债表可以反映客户的动态财务特征 C.资产和负债的结构是报表分析的重点 D.当负债高于所有者权益时,个人有可能出现财务危机的风险 [单选题]气相色谱仪经常检测白酒中的()成份。
A.氨基酸组成份 B.无机金属离子 C.不挥发组成份 D.挥发性香气成份 [判断题]在病人住院和疗养期间,护士应帮助病人学习有关英雄人物。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于防卫过当()
A. 可以酌情减轻或免除处罚 B. 应当酌情减轻或从轻处罚 C. 应当酌情减轻或免除处罚 D. 可以酌情减轻或从轻处罚 [单选题]()代表卖方的最大责任。
A.EXW B.DDP C.CIP D.FAS [多选题] 高炉喷吹燃料,置换比的大小与哪些因素有关( )。
A.喷吹量 B.喷吹燃料的种类 C.鼓风参数 D.煤气的利用率 我来回答: 提交