From the 440 radio channels available
on Osaka Yusen Broadcasting, Japan’s largest cable- radio network, subscribers
(订户) can tune into a channel featuring (以……为特色) 24 hours of croaking frogs, or
one that consists of the sound of trains polling in and out of
stations. As well as the sounds of birds or percolating (过滤) coffee, Osaka Yusen offers nearly 100 channels of announcer-free jazz, rock, classical music, Second World War military marches, and folk music from all over the world. Easton and Abba each have entire channels to themselves, al- though the repeating rate must be almost as high as that of an in-flight music channel. For those in search of more intellectual (智力的) background sounds for their dinner par- ties, there is always the lesson channel or a range of talks on spiritual development. But anyone tired of all A. have no announcer at all B. feature 24 hours of pop music C. offer free music D. consist of the sound of trains pulling in and out of stations [单项选择]露空地面的管线、设备一般采用()。
A. 油漆防腐 B. 沥青绝缘防腐 C. 阴极防腐 D. 阳极防腐 [单选题]时速250km有砟轨道路基工后沉降,桥台台尾过渡段工后沉降( )cm。
A.3 B.5 C.10 D.15 [单项选择]关于H3Cloud云计算解决方案的特点,说法错误的是()
A. 通过融合的基础架构可以实现对虚拟机流量的监控以及虚拟机迁移的感知 B. 高可用性需要安装第三方双击或集群软件实现 C. 集成应用,部署简单 D. 通过混合云彩虹可以将私有云中的虚拟机备份到共有云中,必要时可以实现私有云虚拟机的恢复 [判断题]申请人或者收款人为单位的,不得在“银行汇票申请书”上填明“现金”字样。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]砂滤棒()。
A. 注射液粗滤 B. 混悬液 C. 除菌滤过 D. 除去药液中的活性炭 E. 口服液 [判断题]支票超过提示付款期限提示付款的,持票人开户银行应予以受理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.苯扎溴铵
A.液状石蜡 B.山梨醇 C.氟利昂 D.十二烷基硫酸钠 E.保湿剂 [多项选择]项目后评价要完成的任务有( )。
A. 对项目全过程的回顾和总结 B. 对项目的效果和效益进行分析评价 C. 对项目目标和持续性进行评价 D. 总结经验教训,提出对策建议 E. 对项目投资决策的分析评价 [单选题]总承包单位应当承担对分包单位的安全监管职责,对分包单位实行全过程安全监管,并对分包单位的安全生产不承担连带责任。
A.对 B.错 [判断题]12号普通单开道岔,尖轨长度l =7700mm,尖轨跟距u=144mm,尖轨后直线段长度 h=0,导曲线起点支距为207mm。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交