There are many ways of defining
success. It is accurate to say that each of us has our own concept of success to
the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and
determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily. Because each of us
possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in
which to express these abilities, it is necessarily true that we must define
success broadly. For some people, simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success. Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep, enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature, and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society. On the other hand, it A. the definition of success B. how to set goals C. how to achieve success D. the importance of goals [单选题]在施加试验电压前,操作人和监护人要共同仔细检查试验装置的接线、调压器零位、仪表的起始状态和表计的倍率等,确认无误后且被试设备周围的人员均在安全地带,经()许可方准加压。
A.值班员 B.技术员 C.牵引所工长 D.工作领导人 [多项选择]引起尿糖阳性的原因有()
A. 糖尿病 B. 尿崩症 C. 妊娠妇女 D. 颅脑疾病 E. 麻醉 [简答题]调动破损的机车车辆有危及行车安全的可能时,应根据( )提出的要求进行调车。
A.温中健脾,行气利水 B.温补脾肾,化气行水 C.健脾益气,化气行水 D.理气疏肝,化瘀利水 E.健脾渗湿,行气利水 [单选题]CRH5型动车组TCU无法完成功能是( )。
A.控制电机牵引/制动转矩 B.制设备发送的牵引/制动命令 C.电力设备的保护 D.停放制动管理 [单项选择]患者男性,60岁,因“进行性排尿困难半年,背痛1月”入院,直肠指诊触及前列腺呈结节状,质硬,血清PSA升高,前列腺穿刺活检示前列腺癌,盆腔CT示前列腺癌侵犯直肠,盆腔淋巴结肿大,骨ECT示胸椎多个椎体放射性浓聚,余检查未发现异常。为明确背痛原因需要进行的最佳检查是()。
A. 肺部CT B. 胸椎MRI C. PET-CT D. 胸椎CT E. 以上均可 [单选题]-B-B-003 4 2 4
普速铁路维修天窗,单线不应少于( )min。 A.60 B.90 C.120 D.240 [单项选择]在供电系统中用来校验开关设备的灭弧能力的是三相短路电流的()。
A. 冲击值 B. 最小值 C. 最大值 D. 有效值 [单选题] 肝癌患者行肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)术后,如何观察患者的穿刺部位及肢体血运情况?( )
A. 采用徒手压迫止血的患者穿刺部位需压迫20分钟后行加压包扎。 B. 沙袋压迫8~10小时。 C. 穿刺侧肢体制动12小时,术后12小时完全松解并拆除止血器。 D. 采用动脉压迫止血器止血的患者,保持穿刺侧肢体制动12小时,绝对卧床24小时。 [填空题]战时医疗后送文件袋是盛装( )和( )的纸袋,从团、兵种旅级单位及相当救治机构开始使用。
[单项选择]Here in the U. S. a project of moving the government a few hundred miles to the southwest proceeds apace, under the supervision of Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Apart from the usual highways and parks, Byrd has taken a special interest in transplanting pieces of federal agencies from metropolitan Washington to his home state.
Strangely, Byrd’s little experiment in de-Washingtonization has become the focus of outrage among the very people who are otherwise most critical of Washington and its ways. To these critics, it is the very symbol of congressional arrogance of power, isolation from reality, contempt for the voters, and so on, and demonstrates the need for term limits if not lynching. Consider the good-government advantages of (let’s call it) the Byrd Migration. What better way to symbolize an end to the old ways and commitment to reform than physically moving the government What better way to break up old bureaucracies than to uproot and transplant them, files an A. "Egotistic." B. "Centralized." C. "Illegitimate." D. "Bureaucratic." [单选题]关于隔离技术的标准预防,错误的说法是( )
A.针对医院所有病人采用的一种预防, B.是控制医院感染的基本隔离措施 C.对病人要采取标准预防 D.对可疑感染传染病不必采取标准预防 [判断题] ()装复机油泵后,用手转动机油泵齿轮,应转动自如,无卡阻现象。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]便血,血色鲜红,不与粪便混合,可能的疾病为( )(1.01分)
A.急性出血性坏死性肠炎 B.右半结肠癌 C.肛管疾病 D.上消化道出血 E.急性细菌性痢疾 [单项选择]患者,2岁,2天来口腔糜烂就诊,发病前2天患儿曾有发热、啼哭、拒食、烦躁等症状,经口服抗生素及解热镇痛药治疗。检查发现,患儿唇、颊、龈、腭黏膜上出现大小不等,外形不规则的糜烂,表面有淡黄色的假膜,周围可见少量散在或成簇的粟粒大水疱,口腔黏膜充血红润。
观察患儿血清中的特异性抗体,什么时间抗体水平最高 A. 发病后1周内 B. 发病后2周内 C. 发病后14~21天 D. 发病后21~30天 E. 发病后31~60天 [简答题]在植物生理学中引入水势概念有何意义?
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.3 [判断题]钢梁端部、拱桥温度伸缩缝和拱顶等处前后各5m范围内不应有钢轨接头,否则应将其焊接、冻结或胶接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统分路灵敏度是( )
A.0.1Ω B.0.15Ω C.1Ω D.1.8Ω [判断题]89.施工开通后有临时限速要求的,当临时限速要求与运行揭示调度命令(施工日计划)内容不一致时,施工单位仅应按临时限速要求在《行车设备施工登记簿》内进行销记即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列四种工况下,井底压力最小的是( )。
A.起管柱 B.下管柱 C.静止 D.循环作业 [多选题] 在( )等恶劣天气下,应停止露天高处作业。
A.5级大风 B.暴雨 C.大雾 D.雷电 [单选题]扣件式钢管模板支架的所有水平杆端部均应与四周建筑物顶紧、顶牢,无处可顶时,应 在水平杆端部和中部沿竖向方向设置( )。
A.加密立杆 B.连续剪刀撑 C.抛撑 D.缆风绳 [判断题]测定发热量时的内筒水温与热容量标定时的平均内筒水温相差5℃以上时,要重新标定热量计的热容量。
[单选题]在柴油机燃烧的( )放出的热量最多。
A.速燃阶段 B.主燃阶段 C.后燃阶段 D.爆发阶段 [单选题]北伐战争期间,叶挺独立团所在的国民革命军( )被称为“铁军”。
A.第一军 B.第二军 C.第四军 D.第七军 我来回答: 提交