在该隧道施工过程中应进行监控量测,请问隧道的监控量测项目有哪些? Revenge is one of those things that
everyone enjoys. People don’t like to talk about it, though. Just the same,
there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge. The purpose is
not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something
that they are doing to you. Careful plotting can provide you with relief from
bothersome coworkers, gossiping friends, or nagging family members. Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply. All you have to do is get up extra early one day. Before the sun comes up, drive to each coworker’s house. Reach under the hood of your coworker’s car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap, the car will be unharmed, but it will not start, and your friends A. pleasing your boss B. getting up earlier than your colleagues C. destroying your colleagues’ cars D. making your colleagues come late [简答题]水环境承载力指标
[多选题]根据行政违法所侵犯的对象,行政违法可划分为( )
A.侵犯公民合法权益的行政违法 B.侵犯法人合法权益的行政违法 C.侵犯其他组织的合法权益的行政违法 D.侵害组织管理关系的违法 E.侵害认识管理关系的违法 [单选题]哪种酸是最能引起牙酸蚀症 ( )
A.硝酸 B.硫酸 C.盐酸 D.胃酸 E.磷酸 [多项选择]以下()不是作者在《毕业生》文章当中描写的毕业的生存状态。
A. 女生织毛衣 B. 早早去吃饭 C. 经常给家里写信 D. 抓住最后的时间到教室学习 [单选题](单选题).验收发电机时,检查其有无机械和电路故障,可采取( )试验。
A.负载 B.起动 C.手动 [单项选择]The Chrysanthemum and the Sword(《菊与刀》) describes clearly how the Japanese lived and thought in the 1930s and 1940s. The book developed from research into Japanese society conducted for the American leadership, civilian and military, during the Second World War.
Benedict describes social customs and traditions found in Japan at the outbreak of WWII. For instance, Japanese love bathing and the eldest male gets to go first and women having their period go last; everyone uses the same water, but this is no worse than everyone sharing a pool because bathers wash before getting into the tub. Another tradition is that women usually control the family purse with the husbands handing over their wages to their wives and getting an allowance. This is still largely true today. For over ten years I avoided this book because it was written by someone who had never been to Japan and also because I avoid books that "explain" the Japanese. So when I picked up a copy lying around at a coffee s A. D.Japan’s fighting with the U.S. in the 1940s [单选题] 机车走行线是专供( )走行用的线路。
A.机车出入段 B.去机待线 C.挂机车 D.摘机车 [单选题]下列各项中不属于C2C电子商务主要特点的是()。
A.电子商务实行“无纸贸易”,可以减少文件处理费用 B. 没有自己的物流体系,依赖第三方物流体系 C. 单笔交易的交易额小,相当一部分交易采用货到付款的支付形式 D. 用户数量大.分散,往往身兼多种角色,可以是买方,也可以是卖方。 [单选题][题号:48;鉴定点:AAA013;选择题;关于创新的论述,下列正确的选项是( )。
A.创新就是出新花样 B.创新就是独立自主 C.创新是促进企业进步的灵魂 D.创新不需要引进外国的新技术 [单项选择]在提问技巧中,以“为什么”开始的提问属于()
A. 封闭型问题 B. 开放型问题 C. 试探型问题 D. 索究型问题 E. 复合型问题 [多项选择]环氧乙烷水合反应的停留时间会影响()。
A. 乙二醇的选择性 B. 水合反应器的压力 C. 二乙二醇的选择性 D. 环氧乙烷的转化率 [多项选择]下列哪些工作属于土方施工的准备工作?()
A. 排水 B. 基坑开挖 C. 清理场地 D. 回填 E. 三通一平” [单项选择]一般自然灾害造成损失和预防自然灾害所采取的措施费用属于( )。
A. 其他直接费 B. 基本预备费 C. 工程保险费 D. 调整预备费 [简答题]空转危害有哪些? 《机车乘务员通用知识》P111T468
A.袁阔成-《隋唐演义》 B.刘立福-《聊斋志异》 C.张少佐的-《杨家神枪》 D.单田芳-《隋唐演义》 [单选题]安全风险管控流程包括(.、制定管控措施、纳入岗位职责、完善工作标准、(.”五个要点。
A.研判安全风险 B.评估安全风险 C.实施评价考核 D.纳入考核标准 [单选题]下列关于法的效力的说法正确的是( )。
A.法律不经公布,就不具有效力 B.一切法律的效力级别高低和范围大小是由刑法、民法、行政法等基本法律所规定的 C.法律仅仅适用于将来,没有溯及力,这项规定在法学上被称为从新原则 D.法律生效后,应该使一国之内的所有公民知晓,所谓不知法者得免其罪 [判断题]持票人向银行提示付款时,必须同时提交银行汇票和解讫通知,若缺少解讫通知联,持票人作出说明后,银行才予以解付。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]放款机构要深入了解已合作融资性担保公司的经营财务状况与代偿能力变化,并根据变化情况及时调整担保倍数和保证金比例。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]为病人保暖解痉最简便的方法是
A.热水袋 B.热水坐浴 C.湿热敷 D.温水浴 E.红外线照射 [单选题]轮缘润滑装置的喷油嘴与车轴的角度为( )。
A.60°-45° B.45°-30° C.120°-135° D.135°-145° [单项选择]网络广告的核心优势在于(),较之传统媒体而言,网络媒体的特点在于其全能性及在打造品牌和行销方面的力量。
A. 针对和持久性 B. 及时和可信度 C. 方便和时效性 D. 互动和传播力 [单选题]大型广告设施拆除作业应 ( ) 。
A.先拆除广告构件,再拆除主体钢结构 B.先拆除主体钢结构,再拆除广告构件 C.不按顺序怎么省事怎么拆除 我来回答: 提交