Our visit to the excavation of a Roman
fort on a hill near Coventry was of more than archaeological interest. The
year’s dig had been a fruitful one and had assembled evidence of a permanent
military camp much larger than had at first been conjectured. We were greeted on
the site by a group of excavators, some of them filling in a trench that had
yielded an almost complete pot the day before, others enjoying the last-day
luxury of a cigarette in the sun, but all happy to explain and talk about their
work. If we had not already known it, nothing would have suggested that this was
a party of prisoners from the nearby prison. This is not the first time that
prison labor has been used in work of this kind, but here the experiment, now
two years old, has proved outstandingly satisfactory. From the archaeologists’ point of view, prisoners A. of purely archaeological interest. B. fruitful because a complete pot was discovered. C. interesting in more than one way. D. made by a group of prisoners. [单项选择]下列选项中,不属于总图布置方案分析内容的是()。
A. 根据气象、水文等自然条件分析工厂与车间布置的合理性 B. 分析环境敏感点(保护目标)处理措施的可行性 C. 分析厂区与周围的保护目标之间所定防护距离的安全性 D. 分析与处理工艺有关技术经济参数的合理性 [单选题]醋酸戈舍瑞林缓释植入剂(诺雷得)说明书规定的保存有效期是( )。
A.18个月 B.24个月 C.36个月 D.48个月 [单选题]托马斯(Thomas)征是检查下列哪种畸形:( )
A. 髋内收、内旋 B. 髋外展、外旋 C. 髋屈曲畸形 D. 股骨大转子上移 [简答题]征地补偿估价中,土地补偿费和安置补助费有哪些要求或标准?
[单选题]站用直流电源系统竣工(预)验收负责人员应为技术专责或具备班组( )及以上资格。
A.工作班成员 B.工作监护人 C.工作负责人 [多选题][TW]BFD001 4 2 3
关于选择结晶点测定仪器的叙述,正确的是( )。 A.依据是产品种类和协议要求 B.依据是产品种类和上级要求 C.GB 3145中,选择小试管的长度应为125-127毫米 D.GB 3145中,选择小试管的长度应为117-123毫米[T/] [单项选择]The German concept of self requires a wide area of privacy, which is often (62) and regimented(严格地管制).Doors, hedges, fences:these (63) features of a German home reflect an (64) , on privacy. (65) is widespread throughout German life.The sense of privacy is reflected not just in a house but also in a small apartment.In German houses.doors are (66) shut between rooms to suggest the need for (67) space and individual privacy.The ideal German house has a(an) (68) hall that leads visitors into the house (69) showing specific rooms and (70) the family’s privacy.It is an (71) to be invited into a German home;this does not (72) happen tO foreigners, who are usually viewed with (73) .Pieces of furniture are heavy and placed far apart, (74) personal space is maintained during conversation.Formal interactions—not (75) , happy-go-lucky conversations—are common.
A. such that B. in that C. so that D. since that [单选题]临时⽤电许可证的有效期限最⻓不能超过( )天,并不得跨⽉使⽤。
A. 30 B. 15 C. 7 D. 1 [单选题]制作冷鸡肉卷的原料有( )。
A.桃仁 B.杏仁 C.猪肉 D.兔肉 [不定项选择题][不定项选择题]下列侦查过程中收集证人证言的程序不符合规定的是( )。 (1分)
A.在一起抢劫案中,侦查人员将目击事件发生的两兄弟召集在一起,并一并询问,最终确定了作案过程 B. 在一起故意杀人案中,两名侦查人员未制作询问笔录,采用录音的方式记录了证人证言,并辅以制作说明和证人、侦查人员的签名 C. 在一起故意伤害案中,侦查人员通知被害人到宾馆接受询问 D. 在一起故意伤害案中,辩护律师未经证人同意,向其收集与本案有关的材料 [单选题]双块式和轨枕埋入式无砟道床隧道地段,曲线超高在()上设置。
A.路基基床表层 B.底座 C.道床板 D.支承层 我来回答: 提交