A young man was going to join the army
(军队) and had to {{U}} (41) {{/U}} a medical examination. The doctor was
sitting at a desk when he came in. He said to the man, "Take your coat and shirt
off and {{U}} (42) {{/U}} on that chair. The young man did so. The doctor looked at him for a moment without {{U}} (43) {{/U}} up from his chair and then said, "All right. Put your clothes on again. "But you haven’t examined me at ail!" the young man said in {{U}} (44) {{/U}}. "There is no need to do so," the doctor said with a {{U}} (45) {{/U}}. "When I {{U}} (46) {{/U}} you to take your coat and shirt off, you heard me all right, so there is nothing wrong with your {{U}} (47) {{/U}}. You saw the chair, so your eyes are {{U}} (48) {{/U}}. You could take your clothes off and sit on the [判断题]故障抢修人员到达现场的时限,自接到报修之时起,城区范围不超过45分钟,农村地区不超过90分钟,边远、交通不便地区不超过2小时。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接绳扣结是用于单根绳相连接的专用结。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公安部在深圳召开的首次全国保安工作会议上提出了规范保安服务业发展的“统一领导.统一审批.统一培训.( ).统一服装”的“五统一”原则。
A. 统一组织 B. 统一经营 C. 统一规划 D. 统一勤务 [判断题]实施爆破作业的,应当遵守国家有关民用爆炸物品管理的规定。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列关于预制外墙板施工材料要求说法正确的是( )。
A..预制外挂墙板进场后,检查型号、几何尺寸及外观质量应符合设计要求,横腔、竖腔防水构造完整; B..焊接施工前应对焊接材料的品种、规格、性能进行检查,各项指标应符合标准和设计要求。 C..密封防水胶应采用有弹性、耐老化的密封材料,衬垫材料与防水结构胶应相容,耐老化与使用年限应满足设计要求。 D..对于饰面出现破损的预制外挂墙板,应在安装前采用配套的粘结剂进行修补。 E..构件应有出厂合格证。 [单项选择]菜市建筑公司承接该市某化工厂综合楼工程的施上任务,该工程为4层底框架砌体结构,东西长40m,南北宽9m,建筑面积1800m2;采用十字交又条形基础,其上布置底层框架。该公司为承揽该项施工任务,报价较低。因此,为降低成本,施工单位采用了一小厂提供的价格便宜的砖,在砖进厂前未向监理申报。
18,砖基础的转角处和交接处应同时砌筑。当不能同时砌筑时,应留置( )。 A. 凹槎 B. 凸槎 C. 直槎 D. 斜槎 [单项选择]变速箱各挡齿轮允许有均匀的啮合声,但在稳定转速下不允许有高低变化的()声。
A. 敲击 B. 轻微敲击 C. 轻微响 D. 轻微啮合 [判断题]linux操作系统“mkdir“命令作用是删除目录
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]客户申请开立个人存款证明业务时,需到营业机构办理,并提交( )资料。
A.本人有效身份证件及复印件 B.个人金融资产权利凭证 C.填写《中国农业银行个人存款证明申请书》 D.由他人代理的,还须提供代理人的有效身份证及复印件 [判断题]上岗时间内不得从事与防护无关的任何工作,不得兼职其他工作 。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么提倡自然生产?
[单选题]不属于标准件的是:( )低难度
A.圆柱销 B.键 C.弹簧 D.垫片 [判断题]重质油品在95℃以上收油时,要随时预防突沸。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《联合收割机跨区作业管理办法》规定,进行跨区作业的联合收割机、运输联合收割机(包括插秧机)的车辆,免交车辆通行费,一机一证,其跨区作业证,由( )印制发放。
A..交通运输部 B.农业农村部 C.国务院 D.发改委 [判断题]重新获得生命后的蘑菇人有“咚、咚、咚”的心跳声。
[多选题]下列工程建设标准,属于强制性标准的是( )。
A.工程建设通用的综合标准 B.工程建设通用的安全标准 C.工程建设重要的通用的制图方法标准 D.工程建设行业专用的实验标准 E.工程建设行业专用的信息技术标准 [判断题]指可被多个进程访问的变量是共享变量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]符合法律和国家有关规定生育子女的夫妻,不分孩次,给予男方护理假10天。(出题单位:总行组织人事部)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]集线器就是交换器。
[判断题] 在正坡非棱柱渠道内可以形成均匀流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]除纵向划区的车场外,禁止同一线路两端同时调车作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]上臂桡神经完全损害后的表现是()。
A. 拇指和示、中指屈曲功能障碍 B. 环、小指屈曲功能障碍 C. 伸指,伸拇,伸腕障碍 D. 示、中指远节感觉消失 E. 拇指对掌、指功能受限 [单项选择]在SQL中,关系模式被称为“基本表”,存储模式称为“存储文件”,子模式称为“视图”,下列说法不正确的是 ______。
A. 基本表是实际存储在数据库中的表 B. 视图是若干个基本表或其他视图构成的子集 C. 一个基本表不能跨越多个存储文件,同理一个存储文件也不能存放多个基本表 D. 用户可以用SQL语句对视图和基本表进行查询等操作 [单选题]30.可复位报警按钮使用时,推人报警按钮的玻璃触发报警,火警解除后______。
A.(A)可自动复位 B.(B)可用专业工具进行复位 C.(C)应更换新的报警按钮 D.(D)更换玻璃 [单选题]在整流电路的输出端并联一个电容,主要是利用电容的()特性,使脉动电压变得较平稳。
A.电压不能突变 B.滤波 C.充放电 D.升压 [填空题]油炙的():使药物松脆,降低毒性,矫臭矫味。
[单选题]遮断信号机在正常情况下的显示距离规定是( )
A.不得小于200 m B.不得小于400 m C.不得小于800 m D.不得小于1000 m [判断题]灭火救援过程中,不需要指定专人负责信息报送工作,可由其他号员通过公网手持台、作战指挥系统、作战指挥调度群等第一时间报送接处警画面、文字和语音等信息。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] How men first learned to invent words is unknown; (31)____, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain (32)____ to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, (33)____ they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (34)____ certain signs, called letters, which could be (35)____ to represent those sounds, and which could be (36)_____. Those sounds, whether spoken, (37)_____ written in letters, we call words.
The power of words, then, lies in their (38)____ the things they bring up before our minds. Words become (39)____ with meaning for us by experience; (40)._____ the longer we live, the more certain words (41)_____ to us the happy and sad events of our past: and the more we (42)____, the more the number of words that mean something to us (43)____
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal (44)____ to our minds a
A. signs B. words C. style D. sound [单选题]用于新能源维修用的备用电池,其储存环境温度范围是( )℃
A.、-30~50 B.-40~55 C.25~45 D.55~85 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Gene Industry
Major companies are already in pursuit of commercial applications of the new biology.They dream of placing enzymes(酶)in the automobile to monitor exhausts and send data on pollution to a microprocessor(微处理机)that will then adjust the engine. They speak of what the New York Times calls “metal-hungry microbes(渴望吃金属的微生物)that might be used to mine valuable trace metals from ocean water”.They have already demanded and won the right to patent new lifeforms. Nervous critics,including many scientists,wony that there is corporate,national,intema- tional , and inter-scientific rivalry in the entire biotechnological(生物工艺学)field. They create images not of oii spills,but of“microbe spills”that could spread disease and destroy entire pop- ulations. The creation and accidental release of extremely poisonous microbes,however,is only one cause for alarm.Completely rational and respectable scientists are talking about possibilities that stagger the imagination. Should we breed people with cow-like stomachs so they can digest grass and hay,thereby relieving the food problem by modifying us to eat lower down on the food chain?Should we biologi- cally alter workers to fit the job requirement,for example,creating pilots with faster reaction times or assembly-line workers designed to do our monotonous work for us?Should we attempt to eliminate“inferior”people and breed a“super-race”?(Hitler tried this,but without the genetic weaponry that may soon issue from our laboratories.)Should we produce soldiers to do our fighting? Should we use genetic forecasting to pre-eliminate“unfit”babies?Should we grow reserve organs for ourselves,each of us having,as it were,a“savings bank”full of spare kidneys,livers or hands? Wild as these notions may sound,every one has its advocates(and opposers)in the scientific community as well as its striking commercial application.As two critics of genetic engineering, Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard,state in their book Who Should Play God?“Broad scale genetic engineering will probably be introduced to America much the same way as assembly lines,automobiles,vaccines,computers and all the other technologies.As each new genetic advance becomes commercially practical,a new consumer need will be exploited and a market for the new technology will be created.” According to the passage,the exhaust from a car engine could probably be checked by A.using metal-hungry microbes B.making use of enzymes C.adjusting the engine D.patenting new lifeforms 我来回答: 提交