Got a pen handy To best estimate your
startup costs, you’ll need to make a list and the more detailed the better. A
smart way to start is to {{U}} (62) {{/U}} everything you’ll need, from
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} goods (such as inventory, equipment and fixtures) to
professional services (such as remodeling, advertising and legal work). Then,
start {{U}} (64) {{/U}} how much you’ll need to pay for all those goods
and services. Some of the expenses {{U}} (65) {{/U}}
during the startup phase will be one-time costs, such as the fee for printing
{{U}} (66) {{/U}} your brochures, creating your LLC or acquiring a
permit, while others will be {{U}} (67) {{/U}} , such as rent, insurance
or employees’ salaries. In {{U}} (68) {{/U}} , it’s best to use a
two-step process. First, {{U}} (69) {{/U}} an estimate of one-time costs
needed to get your doors A. plan B. arrange C. get D. make
[单选题]优化供电营商环境,要求自觉履行央企责任,进一步( ),持续提升客户办电的便利性、满意度和获得感,推动公司持续健康发展。 A.压环节、简服务、缩时限、降业务 B.压效率、简服务、缩时限、降成本 C.压环节、简资料、缩时限、降成本 D.压环节、简资料、缩时限、降成本
[单项选择]认知疗法的主要环节是() A. 控制个人利益 B. 操作性行为矫正 C. 识别和对付负性自动想法 D. 交互抑制法 E. 生物反馈训练
[单选题]保安线应用多股软铜线,其截面不得小于(____)mm2。 A.12 B.16 C.18 D.20
[单项选择]无论被测物是高浓度或低浓度,实验室测定结果总是持续偏低,说明有() A. 随机误差 B. 系统误差 C. 误差来源无法判断 D. 过失误差 E. 偶然误差
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}
Campaigning on the Indian frontier is
an experience by itself. Neither the landscape nor the people find their
counterparts in any other portion of the globe. Valley walls rise steeply five
or six thousand feet on every side. The columns crawl through a maze of giant
corridors down which fierce snow-fed torrents foam under skies of brass. Amid
these scenes of savage brilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to
harmonize with their environment. Except at harvest-time, when self-preservation
requires a temporary truce, the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or
public war. Every man is a warrior, a politician and a theologian. Every large
house is a real feudal fortress made, it is true, only of sun-baked clay, but
with battlements, turrets, loopholes, drawbridges, etc. complete. Every vi A. the introduction of the rifle B. the Spread of British rule C. the extension of luxuries D. the spread of trade
[多项选择]政府有关行政部门对劳动法的监督检查特征()。 A. 主体上具有广泛性 B. 功能上具有互补性 C. 监督检查内容具有特定性 D. 监督检查的形式具有隶属性
[单选题]下列关于肩胛肌肉解剖描述正确的是 ( ) A.肱二头肌短头附着于肩峰下 B.大圆肌的腱点附着于肱骨小结节嵴 C.小圆肌的腱点附着于肱骨小结节 D.三角肌是肩关节的内层肌肉 E.肩胛下肌附着于肱骨大结节
[单选题]爆炸性粉尘环境是指在一定条件下,粉尘、纤维或飞絮的可燃物质与空气形成的混合物被点燃后,能够保持燃烧自行传播的环境。根据粉尘、纤维或飞絮的可燃性物质与空气形成的混合物出现的频率和持续时间及粉尘厚度进行分类,将爆炸性危险环境分为()。 A.00区、01区、02区 B.10区、11区、12区 C.20区、21区、22区 D.30区、31区、32区
[单项选择]The comprehension passages on this course are designed to help you increase your speed. A higher reading rate, with no loss of comprehension, will help you in other subjects as well as English, and the general principles apply to any language. Naturally, you will read every book at the same speed. You would expect to read a newspaper, fox example, much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover so that the percentage gain will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with. The reading passages which follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. If you get to the point where you can read books of average difficulty at between 40 and 50 w.p.m. with 70% or more comprehension, you will be doing quite well, though of course any further improvement of speed with comprehension will be a good thing. When you practise reading with pa A. it is not necessary to do so B. it might simply slow down your reading speed C. it might be more difficult to catch the general idea of the passages D. it will result in misunderstanding
[单选题]SF6互感器进行交接试验时,其内部气体湿度应不大于( )μL。 A.150 B.250 C.300 D.68
[单选题]庭审过程中,被告人赵某指出,担任公诉人的检察员李某曾在侦查阶段担任鉴定人,并据此要求李某回避。对于赵某的回避申请,下列哪个是正确的? A.法庭应以不属于法定回避情形为由当庭驳回 B.法庭应以符合法庭回避情形为由当庭做出回避决定 C.李某应否回避需提交法院院长决定 D.人民法院应当决定休庭,李某应否回避需提交检察院检察长决定
[单项选择] 在一些城市的草坪花丛中,人们常会看到“小草微微笑,请你绕一绕”、“让我们与蜜蜂和蝴蝶共舞”等非常人性化的语句,提醒人们不要踩踏采摘。材料说明() ①文化对人的影响来自于特定的文化环境 ②文化对人的影响具有深远持久的特点 ③文化对人的影响具有潜移默化的特点 ④人们创造和发展文化,也获得和享用文化 A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②④ D. ①③④
建设生态文明,保护生态环境,体现了政府社会公共服务的职能。下列选项中,属于政府社会公共服务职能的是:( ) A.实行计划生育 B.提高人口质量 C.组织社会保障 D.制定教育发展规划
[判断题]对于电路中的任一节点来说,流进节点的所有电流之和必须大于流出节点的所有电流之和。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]关于正常人血小板的叙述,错误的是 A.1d内可有6%~10%变化
C.剧烈运动及饱餐后较高 D.静脉血比毛细血管血高10% E.女性月经前降低,月经后升高
[单项选择]E-mail—can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Con artists and real artists, advertisers and freedom fighters, lovers and sworn enemies-they’ve all flocked to email as they would to any new medium of expression. E-mail is convenient, saves time, brings us closer to one another, helps us manage our ever-more-complex lives. Books are written, campaigns conducted; crimes committed-all via e-mail. But it is also inconvenient, wastes our time, isolates us in front of our computers and introduces more complexity into our already too-harried lives. To skeptics, E-mails just the latest chapter in the evolving history of human communication. A snooping husband now discovers his wife’s affair by reading her private e-mail--but he could have uncovered the same sin by finding letters a generation ago. Yet E-mail-and all online communication-is in fact something truly different; it captures the essence of life at the close of the 20th century with an authority that few other products of dig A. Amazing. B. Worrying. C. Satisfying. D. Confusin
[判断题]关井时应避开闸板防喷器关在钻杆接头及加重钻杆外加厚部分。 A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]行销专员可以做的? A.画自己喜欢的彩妆,发型 B.上班不佩戴饰品,妆容得体 C.过生日餐会随身带手机给寿星拍照 D.高峰时,在柜台协助自助点餐,送餐
[判断题] 列车在到达线路内对货位必须使用调车作业通知单。( )×正确:可不使用 J288 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]持银通卡旅客( )分别为旅客铁路旅客运输合同运送期间的起、止证明。 A.闸机在读、写卡时所作的进站、出站记录 B.闸机在读卡时所作的进站、出站记录 C.闸机在写卡时所作的进站、出站记录 D.自行进站、出站
[判断题]《国家电网公司信息系统口令管理暂行规定》用户登录事件要有记录和审计,同时限制同一用户连续失败登录次数,一般不超过5次。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]未通过资格预审的申请人提交的投标文件,以及逾期送达或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,其投标无效。 A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]安装电流、电压互感器,正确的选项是( )。 A.电流互感器一次绕组与电源串联接入;电压互感器一次绕组与电源并联接入 B.电流互感器一次绕组与电源并联接入;电压互感器一次绕组与电源串联接入 C.同一组的电流、电压互感器应采用制造厂、型号、额定电流变比、准确度等级、二次容量均相同的互感器 D.电流互感器进线端极性符号应一致
[多选题]青岛港许振超三十年如一日,练就一手绝活,一年内两次刷新世界集装箱装卸记录,创造了“振超效率”,启示我们要( )。 A.熟练掌握本职岗位应具备的技能、知识 B.注重实践 C.热心钻研技术 D.紧跟新科技发展的步伐,适应岗位的新要求
[判断题]SF6气体发生大量泄漏等紧急情况时,人员应迅速检查设备,查明泄漏点和原因。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题](单选题)以上事件定义为( )。 A.220kV一般电气误操作 B.220kV设备误动 C.220kV恶性电气误操作 D.调度误调度
[简答题] 【问题4】(2分) 在(1)~(2)中填入恰当内容(从候选答案中选择一个正确选项,将该序号填入答题纸对应栏内)。 可行性研究包括多方面的研究,其中(1)主要是从资源配置的角度来衡量他的价值;而(2)包括法律可行性、即指在项目开发过程中可能涉及到的合同知识产权等法律方面的可行性问题。 (1)~(2)供选择的答案 A、系统可行性B、经济可行性C、组织可行性 D、执行可行性E、社会可行性F、操作可行性
[单选题]首长有权对部属下达命令。命令通常( )下达。 A.逐级 B.越级 C.按级 D.跳级
[单选题]比较适于扑灭电气设备火灾的是()。 A. 水 B.二氧化碳 C.沙石
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