Naturally, in a group of animals as
diverse as the snakes, and with so many varied enemies, there are numerous
defensive reactions and devices. There is, however, one general pattern of
behavior. In the presence of suspected enemy the first reaction is to try to
escape observation; if this fails, the next resort is the flight to some
inaccessible retreat, but if this is not possible, or is circumvented, various
kinds of intimidatory gestures and warning devices are brought into play; in the
last resort the snake attacks. This pattern varies with the circumstances; some
stages may be omitted or combined unpredictably whilst; some notoriously
irascible species may dispense with all the preliminaries and attack almost at
once, though seldom or never without some provocation. Amongst the factors that increase aggressiveness a A. the snakes combine all the previous three steps. B. the snakes give up all the previous three steps. C. the snakes follow all the previous steps one by one. D. the snakes reverse the order of all the previous steps. [单选题]机具在运行中不得进行( )。禁止在运行中或未完全停止的情况下清扫、擦拭机具的转动部分。
A.检修 B.调整 C.检修或调整 D.检修和调整 E.略 F.略 [判断题]压缩机冷却水中断,气体进出口温度明显上升。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]xls
A. Telnet和FTP B. Modem和ISDN C. IE和Netscape D. Outlook Express和Foxmail E. Internet和Intranet [单选题]下面关于串级控制系统副变量的描述错误的是()。
A.在主变量确定后,选择的副变量应与主变量间有一定的内在联系 B.在串级系统中,副变量的变化应尽量不影响主变量的变化 C.选择与主变量有一定关系的某一中间变量作为副变量 [判断题]( )金属常压储罐按形状可分为立式圆柱形、卧式圆柱形和特殊形状三种。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题][JXJK134-03-X] 起下连续油管过程中,防喷盒不密封发生泄漏,应该停止起下作业,然后( ),按程序恢复防喷盒功能。(可不考虑顺序)
A.关闭防喷器半封闸板 B.确定半封闸板至防喷盒之间的空间压力为零 C.关全封闸板 D.更换防喷盒胶皮 [填空题]在Visual Basic 6.0中,InputBox函数用于产生一个______对话框。
[判断题]’年1月1日至12月31日,对面临暂时性生产经营困难且恢复有望、坚持不裁员或少裁员的参保企业,稳岗返还标准可按6个月的当地月人均失业保险金和参保职工人数确定,或按6个月的企业及其职工应缴纳社会保险费的50%的标准确定 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In American high schools, most students (41) English, science, math and history (历史,履历). These are basic (基础) courses and each course (过程,教程) is as (42) as the others. In English class, the students study grammar (语法) and read famous literature (文学). In science class, they study biology (生物学), chemistry (化学) or physics (物理). History is more interesting (43) some students because they (44) about important events (事件) and places in the United States. Students take other, courses, too. These are electives (先修课程). Some of them are music, home economics (家政学) and computer science. Students don’t (45) take all of these courses. Some study music because they feel it is more (46) . Some study computer science because they think it is more practical (实用的). In (47) class, teachers give students exams. Some exams are (48) difficult than (49) , but a good student can (50) do well.
A. a B. one C. each [多选题] 肠瘘治疗的原则有哪些()
A.纠正水、电解质紊乱 B.控制感染 C.加强瘘口护理 D.加强营养 E.预防并发症 [单项选择]
A. People who live in Amazon tribes don’t think plants are the basis of the food pyramid, B. People who live in Amazon tribes don’t regard botany as a special branch of knowledge. C. People who live in Amazon tribes know all the properties of plains in the jungle. D. People who live in Amazon tribes give some special names to botany. [单项选择]患者,女,62岁,护士对其进行心功能分级评估时,最主要评估下列哪项()。
A. 病程长短 B. 活动耐力 C. 有无并发症 D. 心脏体征 E. 辅助检查 [单选题]钾混盐配浆槽调浆浓度为( )。
A.50~65% B.55~60% C.45~60% D.50~60% [单选题]
一台六缸是四冲程柴油机的发火顺序为1-5-3-6-2-4,第一缸处于换气上止点,第二缸应处于______.(263842:第02-02章 柴油机主要部件及检修) A.进气过程 B.压缩过程 C.膨胀过程 D.排气过程 [单选题]南宁机场3号机坪一共多少个C类停机位?
A.45 B.47 C.63 D.64 [多选题]下列哪些属于施工现场的安全防护用具?( )
A.绝缘鞋 B.模板 C.安全帽 D.安全带 E.消防桶 [判断题]采用支、拉杆法进行绝缘杆作业法更换直线绝缘子,提升导线时,支、拉杆是主要操作工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]装有SF6设备的配电站,应装设强力通风装置,风口应设置在室内底部,其电源开关应装设在门内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列关于我国社会管理及其创新的说法,错误的是:
A. 社会管理的根本目的是让人民生活得更自由,更幸福 B. 要逐步形成党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与的社会建设新格局 C. 把群众满意不满意作为加强和创新社会管理的出发点和落脚点 D. 要搞好社会管理,必须加快推进以保障和改善民生为重点的社会建设 [单选题]膳食制度是指把全天的( )按一定的次数、一定时间隔和一定数量、质量分配到
A.乳、蛋类 B.肉类 C.饮料 D.食物 [简答题]5.12国家护士节是为了纪念哪位著名人物?
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