Motivation is necessary in order to
succeed. Whether you are working out to feel and look better, participating in
the "Day of Silence" to support a cause, or working hard in school to get good
grades and get accepted at one’s college of choice, everything that people do
has a motive behind it. However, motivation is a quality that many high school students seem to lack. Maybe it is because they feel as though the information that they are learning will never be useful to them, that they think their teachers are terrible, or that they simply "hate school." But no one else is forcing you to do your work. You’ve decided to take it on. It all comes down to what you want and what you are willing to do in order to get there. Minor setbacks often discourage people from trying. For example, if a student fails a French quiz, it A. Alter the arrangements and orders of the checklist. B. Complete the design of the list. C. Present suggestions for individuals for their self help. D. Offer a box for people to write down their plan of action. [单项选择]取水样的基本要求是水样要()。
A. 定数量 B. 定方法 C. 代表性 D. 按比例 [多选题]即时报告可以( )等形式上报。
A.电话 B.电传 C.电子邮件 D.短信 E.书面 [单选题]下列可引起氧解离曲线左移的因素是( )。
A.温度升高 B.H浓度降低 C.2,3-DPG增多 D.CO分压升高 [单项选择]阻止折叠门开启的力最大不应大于()N。
A. 100 B. 150 C. 300 D. 400 [单项选择]产时胎儿窘迫的诊断依据是()
A. 破膜后羊水质稀,淡黄色 B. 胎动减弱 C. 胎心监护见到变异减速 D. 宫缩高峰时胎心110次/分 E. 胎儿头皮血PH值7.08 [单项选择]古代足球运动起源于()。
A. 中国 B. 英国 C. 巴西 D. 法国 [单项选择]关于社会行动的介入方法,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 社会行动通常要求群众组织起来,通过集体行动,使当权者感到问题的严重性 B. 社会行动不宜运用冲突、对峙的手段 C. 社会行动可以从任意一个事件入手 D. 社会行动中要防止将问题演化成公众关注的社会事件 [单项选择]患者,男性,27岁,车祸后急诊入院。患者第3、4腰椎骨折,神志清楚,生命体征正常,需要收入骨科手术治疗。护士拟用平车运送患者入病区,从病床移至平车宜选用的最佳方法是()。
A. 一人搬运法 B. 二人搬运法 C. 三人搬运法 D. 四人搬运法 E. 六人搬运法 [简答题]常用带电作业工具使用荷重如何决定?
[多项选择]现金管理中的“现金”包括( )。
A. 库存现金 B. 有价证券 C. 商业汇票 D. 银行存款 [单选题]盘、柜内的各式熔断器,凡直立布置者应上口( ),下口接( )。
A.电源,负荷 B.负荷,电源 C.电源,电源 D.负荷,负荷 [多选题]“三同时”是指建设项目的安全设施,必须与主体工程同时( )。
A.设计 B.施工 C.纳入概算 D.投入生产和使用 我来回答: 提交