Single mums are better at raising their
kids than two parents—at least in the bird world. Mother zebra finches have to
work harder and raise fewer chicks on their own, but they also produce more
attractive sons who are more likely to get a mate. The finding shows that family conflict is as important an evolutionary driving force as ecological factors such as hunting and food supply. With two parents around, there’s always a conflict of interests, which can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the offspring. In evolutionary terms, the best strategy for any parent in the animal world is to find someone else to care for their offspring, so they can concentrate on breeding again. So it’s normal for parents to try to pass the buck to each other. But Ian Hartley from the University of Lancaster and his team wondered how families A. The evolution of the offspring’s behaviour. B. The look of the offspring’s faces. C. the number of eggs produced by one offspring at a time. D. The offspring’s body size. [单选题] 图中安全标志表示的是( )。
A.“当心触电” B.“注意安全” C.“有电高压危险” D.“止步!高压危险” [单项选择]使原子吸收谱线变宽的因素较多,当采用无火焰原子化器时()是主要因素
A. 压力变宽 B. 劳伦兹变宽 C. 温度变宽 D. 多普勒变宽 [多选题]甲是贩毒案件的证人,公安机关可以采取的保护措施有()。
A.不公开甲的个人信息 B.采取不暴露外貌.真实声音等出庭作证措施 C.对甲的人身.住宅进行专门保护 D.禁止特定人员接触甲 [单选题] 工艺流程图上LG和LIC分别表示为( )。
A.液位记录表和液位指示控制器 B.液位指示表和液位记录控制器 C.现场玻璃管液位计和液位指示控制器 D.现场液位表和液位指示控制器 [单项选择]实木复合底板面层铺设时,与柱、墙之间应留不小于()mm的空隙。
A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 [单选题]新吿儿的行为主要受本能的反射支配,没有()。
A.意志力 B.主动性 C.积极性 D.协调性 [简答题]密肋楼盖的种类有哪些?
[多选题]晶体三极管的工作区域可以分为( )。
A.发射区 B.基区 C.集电区 D.导通区 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Development of American Postal System In the early days of the United States,postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried.In 1825,the United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery,but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation depended on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters.In 1847,the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp,which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides,the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address.In Philadelphia,for example,with a population of 150,000,people still had to go to the post office to get their mail.The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that,during the years of these cumbersome arrangements,private letter-carrying and express businesses developed.Although their activities were only semi legal,they thrived and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were half-day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had.Finally,in 1863,Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary,and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery.But this delivery service was at first confined to cities,and free home delivery became a sign of urbanization.In 1890,of the 75 million people in the United States,fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors.The rest,nearly three quarters of the population,still received no mail unless they went to their post office. Which of the following was a disadvantage of the postage stamp?l A.It had to be purchased by the sender in advance. B.It increased the cost of mail delivery. C.It was difficult to be pasted on letters. D.It was of poor quality. [单选题]PCM信道音频二线接口技术条件应符合ITU-T建议的( )规定。
A.G.821 B.G.826 C.G.712 D.G.713 [多选题]更换贴膜时需评估( )
A.查看穿刺时间及贴膜情况 B.观察局部皮肤是否有红肿、热、痛 C.观察局部有无皮疹 D.观察有无分泌物、渗血 E.观察有无过敏等症状 [单选题]在台架式变压器附近修剪树木时(作业符合安全距离),不应使用( )
A.绝缘梯子 B.竹梯子 C.铝制折叠梯 D.木梯子 [判断题]进行治安询问的办案人员不得少于2人。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]综合财富规划是建立在私人银行客户的()基础上。
A. 生命周期 B. 家庭成员数量 C. 企业经营状况 D. 身体健康情况 [判断题]行车有关人员在执行职务时,必须坚守岗位,穿着规定的服装,佩戴易于识别的证章或携带相应证件,讲普通话。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]抗菌药物分级管理的原则不包括()。
A.安全性 B.细菌耐药性 C.疗效 D.稳定性 [单项选择]钢丝绳端部用绳卡固定连接时,绳卡压板应在钢丝绳主要受力的一边,不得正反交叉设置;绳卡间距应不小于钢丝绳( )的6倍,绳卡的数量应不少于表14-3的要求。
A. 半径 B. 直径 C. 周长 [单选题]压缩机一旦发生喘振,将会对燃烧室带来什么影响:
A.超贫油极限熄火停车 B.超富油极限熄火停车 C.造成余气系数忽大忽小而熄火停车 [单选题]当某级套管未回接到井口,这种情况下无法对本级套管头与下级套管头之间的密封进行试压检测,或由于上下压力等级不同,而造成井口承压能力降低,此时使用( )替代相应规格的套管悬挂器,实现本级套管头与下级套管头(油管头)注塑试压的目的。
A. 堵头 B. 试压保护环 C. 试压塞 D. 可通式试压塞 [单选题]在佩戴正压式呼吸器工作时,当你听到报警哨响起,而你的工作或许再有1分钟就能完成,此时应( )。
A.立即停下手中的工作,换其他人,就自己撤离 B.抓紧把工作做完,然后尽快撤离 C.示意其他人去取备用气瓶,你继续工作,等到备用气瓶到来立即更换 D.视情况而定。 [单选题]患者,男,40岁。暴食后出现脘腹胀痛,口苦泛恶,目黄身黄,发热,头身困重,大便不爽,小便黄,舌红苔黄腻,脉弦数。实验室检查:血淀粉酶850索氏单位。其治法是
A.理气活血止痛 B.通腑泄热止痛 C.疏肝理气止痛 D.活血解毒止痛 E.清利肝胆湿热 [单项选择]铺设搭接脚手板时,要求两块脚手板端头的搭接长度应不小于()。
A. 20cm B. 30cm C. 35cm D. 40cm [单项选择]在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动称为( )。
A. 运输 B. 装卸搬运 C. 配送 D. 流通加工 [单选题]柔性接触网悬吊滑轮处承力索护线条长度为()mm。
A.600 B.1000 C.1500 D.2000 [多选题]204.下列选项中,不属于混凝土基础施工质量验收文件的是()。
A.掺合料、外加剂的合格证明书、复试报告。 B.砂浆配合比。 C.施工日记。 D.试块强度报告。 E.材料合格证及试验报告、水泥复试报告。 [单选题]在WWW上的多媒体检索工具主要是基于(58)。
A.超级图形图像信息 B.文本信息 C.超文本信息 D.图形图像信息 [名词解释]粘流活化能
A. 头脑风暴法 B. 类比估算法 C. 百分比分析法 D. 参数估算法 E. 费用模型估算法 [单选题]资本主义基本矛盾是( )
A.生产与需要的矛盾 B.无产阶级和资产阶级的矛盾 C.生产力和上层建筑的矛盾 D.生产社会化和生产资料资本主义私人占有的矛盾 [多选题]《商业银行理财产品销售管理办法》要求商业银行要在充分____的基础上展开工作、推荐合适的理财产品。( )
A.了解客户 B.客户需求 C.风险偏好 D.客户持有房产品数量 [单项选择]患者对经治医生不满意时,可以重新选择医生属于()。
A. 患者的权利 B. 患者的义务 C. 医生的权利 D. 医生的义务 E. 患者和医生共同的义务 [单选题]下列选项中,( )是V03206的工作压力。
A.A.4.5MPa B.B.5.0MPa C.C.常压 D.D.4.6MPa 我来回答: 提交