Some ants make their homes under a
stone. If the weather is warm, you may see many ants under the stone. If the
weather is cold, many ants will be in their houses under the ground. Most of the ants are the workers. They are very busy. They gather food, care for the young ants. But they must have a queen ant. The queen does not work. She is very important in the ants’ family because she lays the eggs. Those eggs will become new ants. You can recognize the queen because she is much bigger than other ants. If you can not find the ants under a stone, look for an ant nest around a small hole in the ground. You may dig quite deep to get the ants. There are many kinds of ants in America. One kind is very strong. People are afraid of it, and animals are afraid of it, too. Thes [单选题]电气设备的保护零线与工作零线分开设置的系统,即称为( )系统。
A.TT B.TN-C C.TN D.TN-S [单选题]( )关系是婚姻与家庭中最亲密的关系。 (单选题, 1.00 分)
A.亲子 B.夫妻 C.手足 D.家人 [单选题]心本管理,是指通过各种管理手段和方法对管理者及员工进行情感、思想、意志、感觉、知觉等多种心灵的挖掘、整合与正确引导,强调对管理者、员工心理上的凝聚、引导、激励和辐射。心本管理是人本管理的进一步升华,由心灵的外在感动转化为管理者与员工心灵的内在自觉。根据上述定义,下列不属于心本管理理念的是:( )
A.“我对你好,你也应该对我好。” B.“假如你要用他整个‘人’,你就必须影响他的整个‘心’。” C.“真心、真情做人,全心、全力做事。” D.“以真情感染人,以真心尊重人。” [判断题]学校工会依法组织教职工参加学校的安全工作的民主管理和民主监督,维护教职工在安全方面的合法权益。()
[判断题]重大责任事故罪是指安全生产设施或者安全生产条件不符合国家规定 ,因而发生重 大伤亡事故或者造成其他严重后果的行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]数字化管理的三大抓手是( )。
A.数字化体系、数字化组织、数字化系 B.数字化运作、数字化思想、数字化平台 C.数字化体系、数字化思想、数字化系统 D.数字化运作、数字化组织、数字化平台 [判断题]当前我国最大的实际就是我国还处于并将长期处于社会主义初级 阶段。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交