Nelson Mandela was still in jail when
the first street was named {{U}} 62 {{/U}} him. By the time he retired as
President of South Africa, hundreds of streets, squares and schools {{U}} 63
{{/U}} his name, as did many more pop songs, books and movies. {{U}} 64
{{/U}}, Mandela is an inspiring figure of the world. But what about
{{U}} 65 {{/U}} books that bear Mandela’s name {{U}} 66 {{/U}}
charities that use his name to {{U}} 67 {{/U}} their profile As his
legend has grown ever larger, Mandela has been faced with all of these
situations. Increasingly, however, Mandela’s handlers are
fighting back. Mandela, who will be 91 this year, {{U}} 68 {{/U}}. appears in public and increasingly relies on the managers of his foundation to manage his affairs. Now they’re facing with a tricky issue: {{U}} 69 {{/U}} what point does a very famo A. illegal B. legal C. authorized D. unauthorized [单选题] 第367题
下列哪种行为属于违约用电()。 A.在供电单位的供电设施上,擅自接线用电 B.擅自超过计划分配的用电指标 C.绕越供电单位安装的电能计量装置用电 D.故意损坏供电单位电能计量装置 [单选题]保护最大运行方式是指在被保护对象末端短路时,系统的等值阻抗最小,通过
保护装置的短路电流为最大的运行方式。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在变动直流二次回路后,应进行相应的传动试验。必要时还应模拟各种故障进行整组试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]进路在锁闭状态时,进路上的道岔( )。不应再转换,此时对道岔实行的锁闭为进路锁闭。
A.可以转换 B.此时对道岔实行的锁闭为区段锁闭 C.不应再转换 D.此时对道岔实行的锁闭为进路锁闭 [单项选择]精囊腺位于()
A. 前列腺下方 B. 膀胱底部,输精管壶腹的外侧 C. 直肠上方 D. 同侧输精管内侧 E. 膀胱后方 [多选题]下列关于装机时限要求正确的是()
A.普通客户48小时 B.百兆24小时 C.千兆12小时 D.城区48小时,农村72小时 [单选题] "急性上消化道大出血,能反映血容量变化的观察项目是
A.神志 B.瞳孔 C.脉搏 D.呼吸 E.面色 " [单选题]对甲类传染病病人污染的物品,应当及时采取的措施为
A.隔离 B.提请卫生防疫部门处理 C.集中销毁 D.报告上级卫生行政机关处理 E.必要的卫生处理 [单选题]用热像仪检测发现电气接头的螺钉连接处有温升,导线温度正常,请判断其温升原因是( )
A.连接处电阻较大 B.连接处辐射率较大 C.该相的负载较高 D.该相的谐波较大 [判断题]安全生产标准化,是指通过建立安全生产责任制,制定安全管理制度和操作规程,排查治理隐患和监控重大危险源,建立预防机制,规范生产行为,使各生产环节符合有关安全生产法律法规和标准规范的要求,人、机、物、环处于良好的生产状态,并持续改进,不断加强企业安全生产规范化建设。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交