Americans are getting ready for the
biggest soccer event in the world. For the first time the world cup soccer
competition will be held in the United States. While millions play the game
around the world, soccer or football has only recently become popular here. It
is only in the last 30 years that large numbers of young Americans became
interested in soccer. Now it is the fastest growing sport in the country. A
recent study found that almost 18 million young boys and girls play soccer in
the United States. The study also found that soccer is beginning to replace more traditional games like American football as the most popular sport among students. And so, when the world cup begins next week, more than one million Americans are expected to go and see the teams play. Organizers say this year’s world cup will be the bigges A. Basketball. B. American football. C. Soccer. D. Tennis. [单项选择]
Sports and Sexes [单项选择]The word "diminish" in Line 14 means ______.
A. test B. stop C. reduce D. increase [多项选择][案例十]
男性患者,23岁,某大学三年级学生。自入大学以来,从不和宿舍同学一起聊天、谈话,也很少见有同学、老乡来找他,因此,同学们都背后戏称他为“怪人”。患者终日离群独处,冥思苦想,偶尔交谈亦不能与人合拍,说的有些是“玄论”,令人莫明其妙。学习成绩尚好,但性格孤僻,对人冷漠,又很怕羞,敏感。从不肯在公众场合出头露面,也没有什么知心朋友。在一段时期里,他突然着迷于气功,经常不上课,外出去找气功大师传授“功法”,回来时早晚面壁练功,搅得同学都非常反感,劝也不听,止也不住,一味我行我素,行为奇怪,简直像个“外星人”似的。 以下哪些对患者的诊断和鉴别诊断特别有帮助(选两项) A. 心理社会应激史 B. 家族史 C. 生长发育史 D. 既往学习、工作情况 E. 既往躯体疾病史 F. 早年的人格特点 G. 脑外伤史 [单项选择]他说他无论怎样也不能不推翻谁都会否认贝费里厅说过的科学上危害最大的莫过于舍弃批评、批判的态度的观点。他对贝费里厅的观点究竟是赞同还是反对( )
A. 赞同 B. 反对 C. 与赞同与反对无关 D. 既不赞同也不反对 [简答题]什么是动作电位?它由哪些部分组成?各部分产生的原理?一般在论述动作电位时以哪一部分为代表?
[单选题] 第447题380伏接入的分布式电源,10千伏接入的除下列分布式( )项目,可采用无线公网通信方式(光纤到户的可采
用光纤通信方式),但应采取信息安全防护措施。 A.光伏发电 B.生物质能 C.风电 D.海洋能发电 [填空题]超限车的任何超限部位与建筑物或设备之间的距离不得小于( )mm。
[单选题]一幢建筑高度60米的商业楼内设计有临时高压的室内消火栓给水系统.湿式自动喷水灭火系统。该建筑高位水箱的消防储水量应按( )设计。
A.50立方米 B. 36立方米 C. 18立方米 D. 12立方米 [单选题](B737ng)一级热交换器的作用是
A.A. 在发动机引气进入空气循环机的涡轮之前对之进行冷却 B.B. 在发动机风扇空气进入空气循环机的涡轮之前对之进行加热 C.C. 在发动机引气进入空气循环机的压缩机之前对之进行冷却 D.D. 在发动机引气进入水分离器的涡轮之前对之进行冷却 [单选题]LTE中哪个属于链路自适应的技术
A.OFDM B.HARQ C.MIMO D.AMC [单选题]交联聚乙烯电缆的设计寿命为()年。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [单选题]水痘的传染源是( )
A..病毒携带者 B..消毒未彻底的食物 C..水痘患者 D..受污染的水源 E...受感染的牛或猪 [多选题]我行单独作为牵头行筹组银团时,承贷金额原则上不低于银团融资总额的(),不高于()。
A.20% B.30% C.40% D.50% [填空题]大型工程机械施工时应按<--NRC-->设置专人防护,列车接近前应停止作业。停工时机械停放安全地点后,防护员方准离开现场。
A.使用登记资料 B.安全技术档案 C.日常维护保养合同 D.电梯运行管理规章制度 [单选题]水泵接合器的数量按建筑物室内消防用水量和每个水泵接合器流量()校核。
A.10L/s B.10~15L/s C.15L/s D.20L/s [单选题]吊篮悬吊平台在工作中的纵向倾斜角度不应大于( )度。
A.8 B.15 C.12 D.10 [填空题]具有核心意义的个性心理特征是__________。
[填空题]In November of 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt was on a hunting trip in Mississippi. His hunt was going 【31】 that day, and he couldn’’t seem to find anything worthy of 【32】 his rifle. Then, his staff captured a black baby bear for the President to shoot, but he could not. The thought of shooting a bear that was tied to a tree did not seem sporting, so he 【33】 the life of the baby bear and set it free.
Based on this story, a famous political cartoonist for the Washington Star drew a cartoon, which showed Teddy Roosevelt, rifle 【34】 . with his back turned on a cute (可爱的) baby bear. Morris Michtom, owner of a Brooklyn toy store, was 【35】 by the cartoon to make a stuffed baby bear. Intending it only as a display, he placed the stuffed bear in his toy store 【36】 , and next to it placed a copy of the cartoon from the newspaper. To Michtom’’s surprise, his store was flooded by customers 【37】 to buy. He asked for and received President Roosevelt’’s 【38】 to use his name for the band-sew
A. A.window B.door C.table D.counter [判断题]行政机关公务员受开除以外的处分,在受处分期间有悔改表现,并且没有再发生违法违纪行为的,处分期满后,应当解除处分。解除处分后,晋升工资档次、级别和职务不再受原处分的影响。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述跨国公司R&D全球化的特征和动因。
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