Narcotic Addiction (麻醉品依赖) Heroin(海洛因)addiction today is found chiefly among young people in ghetto areas(贫农区) , of the more than 60,000 known addicts, more than half live in New York State. Most of these live in New York City. Recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are less than 30 years of age. Narcotic(麻醉剂)addiction in the United States is not limited to heroin users. Some middle-aged and older persons who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted. So do some people who can get drugs easily, such as doctors, nurses and druggists. Studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users. Many addicts admit tha A. The biggest state for addicts in the U. S.. B. The age group of drug addicts. C. The place where most drag addicts live. D. The cause of drug abuse. [单项选择]溶液剂的外文缩写词是
A. Am B. Cap C. Ta D. So E. Sy [判断题]土方开挖中,观测到基坑边缘有裂缝和渗水等异常时,立即停止作业并报告施工负责人,待处置完成合格后,再开始作业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]流体在流动时产生内摩擦力的性质叫做黏性,衡量黏性大小的物理量称为()
A.摩擦系数 B.黏度系数 C.黏度 D.运动黏度 [单项选择]患者女性,45岁,一年前患乙肝,经治疗后现头晕,目眩,胁痛,肢体麻木,筋脉拘急,月经不调,面色不华,舌质淡,脉细涩。此证当以何法治疗()
A. 滋养肝阴 B. 滋养肝肾 C. 补血养肝 D. 补血养心 E. 滋补肾阴 [判断题] 人民警察办理治安案件需要扣押与案件有关的物品必须经过县级以上公安机关负责人批准
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列因素发生变化后,可以使城市郊区住房需求增加的因素有()。
A. 修建通往郊区的地铁线路 B. 通往郊区的高速公路停止收费 C. 提高郊区住房开发用地的征地补偿标准 D. 提高郊区住房用地的土地使用权出让金 E. 将该城市政府搬迁到郊区 [多选题]颈总动脉
A.左侧起于主动脉弓 B.右侧起于头臂干 C.分为颈内动脉、颈外动脉两终支 D.右侧起于主动脉弓 E.左侧起于头臂干 [单选题]辙叉心轮缘槽标准宽度(测量位置按标准图或设计图规定)为 ()mm,容许误差 为+3,-1 mm。
A.42 B.44 C.46 D.50 [单选题]对售电量、售电收入、售电均价单价完成情况的分析称( )。( )
A.经济分析 B.电费管理分析 C.营销分析 D.计量分析 [单选题] 铁塔主材相邻节点弯曲度超过2‰,属于什么缺陷( )
A. 一般缺陷 B. 重大缺陷 C. 紧急缺陷 [单选题]使用平调设备调车作业的规定,下列说法正确的为( )。
A.平调设备和信号旗可以混用 B.经授权连结员可以指挥调车 C.计划超过3钩可利用平调传达 D.推送车辆时连结员在车列前端领车 [简答题]在心理咨询中,有学者称“来者不拒,去者不追”指的是来访者自愿原则。
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