TO: Marketing staff
FROM: Jonathan Blair
DATE: August 22
RE: New Advertising Campaign
We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes this year. The following will give. you a general outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help promote our new clothes. As you all know, this is our first attempt in this market, and we are anticipating great results. And to add to this, we have put together our biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the country’s largest media.
A thirty-second commercial on 3 of the largest networks during primetime hours (7-9 p.m.) for three months. A total of 4 showings on each station daily. Also 5 showings between 9-11 p.m. on Saturdays A. To recruit talented people to work on an advertising project B. To announce the company’s future plans C. To inform the staff members about a television documentary D. To find a model spokesperson for the posters [填空题]影响积灰的因素主要是()、飞灰颗粒、管束结构特性。
[多选题]下列关于漏电检测仪维护保养的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.严禁用充电电池。 B.不能让该仪器与电源或导电液体接触。 C.当电源或导电体被屏蔽时,该仪器无法探测到。 D.在接近电源时,应格外小心,并穿必备的绝缘服。 E.因导电体的导电率不同,高度及外形不同,探测距离也有所不同。 [单项选择]Visitor: Thank you very much for meeting me at the airport.
Host: My pleasure.______. A. Are you well B. Have you got anything to declare C. How was your flight D. May I order you a drink [单选题]停电拉闸操作应按照( )的顺序依次进行。
A.断路器(开关)—电源侧隔离开关(刀闸)—负荷侧隔离开关(刀闸) B.断路器(开关)—负荷侧隔离开关(刀闸)—电源侧隔离开关(刀闸) C.负荷侧隔离开关(刀闸)—电源侧隔离开关(刀闸)—断路器(开关) D.电源侧隔离开关(刀闸)—负荷侧隔离开关(刀闸)—断路器(开关) [单选题]培育和践行社会主义核心价值观属于在( )上,部署新时代中国特色社会主义伟大事业。
A. 政治建设 B. 文化建设 C. 社会建设 D. 生态文明 [单项选择]建设项目工程分析的重点是( )。
A. 确定污染源强 B. 资源能源的储运 C. 交通运输 D. 厂地开发利用 [判断题] 驻营指战员在驻营期间,所使用的移动终端均应严格管理、限时使用,其中手机原则上仅限1部作为日常使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《烟草专卖许可证管理办法》(工信部第37号令)规定,烟草专卖零售许可证的持证人发生下列哪种情形的,应当重新申领烟草专卖许可证( )。
A.主体 B.企业类型 C.改变经营地址(因道路规划、城市建设等客观原因除外) D.具有国家烟草专卖局规定的其他情形 [单选题]在计算机网络协议体系中,最重要的两款协议为
A.TCP/IP B.FTP/IP C.TCP/UDP D.SMTP/IP [单选题]411. 411.64D单线半自动已办妥闭塞,但未开放出站信号,发车站取消闭塞后,接车站的接车表示灯变为()。(B、4、Y)[04-00-05-03][020402]
A.红灯 B.黄灯 C.绿灯 D.灭灯 [单选题]半径为800m的曲线作业验收时,圆曲线正矢连续差超过( )mm为超限。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [单选题]下列著作中对于“三纲五常”给予详细而明确论述的是()。
A.《春秋繁露》 B.《举贤良对策》 C.《白虎通义》 D.《孟子》 我来回答: 提交