Publicity offers several benefits.
There are no costs for message time or space. An ad in prime time television may
cost $250,000 to $500,000 or more per minute, whereas a five-minute report on a
network newscast would not cost anything. However, there are costs for news
releases, a publicity department, and other items. As with advertising, publicity reaches a mass audience. Within a short time, new products or company policies are widely known. Credibility about messages is high, because they are reported in independent media. A newspaper review of a movie has more believability than an ad in the same paper, because the reader associates independence with objectivity. Similarly, people are more likely to pay attention to news reports than ads. Readers spend time reading the stories, but they flip through the ads. Further A. the former reach a larger audience than the latter do B. the former are more objective C. the former appear in independent media D. the latter are much more in number and stand out clearly [单项选择]患者男,50岁,已诊断为慢性牙周炎,其治疗方案为首先进行基础治疗牙周炎患者基础治疗后,再次复查的时间为()
A. 1周 B. z周 C. 4周 D. 3个月 E. 6个月 [简答题]
(一) 管理疏忽,技术失误,商业贿赂、医疗纠纷……12月9日开播的医疗职业剧《医者仁心》正讲述着“仁华医院”一年中的是是非非。接二连三的事情使这家公立医院成为一个即将爆炸的“火药桶”。 创新管理体制、加强内部管理、完善上下联动……近一年来,部分城市用实际行动演绎公立医院改革的艰难前行。全国47个国家和省级城市陆续拿出方案、启动改革试点,力图走出荧屏中所展现的现实困境。 (二) 长期以来,我国在公立医院管理上职责不清,卫生行政部门既办医院又管医院,出现监管缺位、执法不严等问题。今年2月出台的《公立医院改革试点指导意见》明确提出,要探索政事分开、管办分开的有效形式,建立协调、统一、高效的公立医院管理体制。但是“管办分开”怎么分相关各方至今存在不同意见,试点模式也多元。 (三) “医疗服务体系的建设要‘顶天立地’。”卫生部副部长马晓伟表示,公立医院改革不仅要加强三甲医院的管理,更重要的是提高基层医疗机构的能力。 根据卫生部的总体要求,各地都迈开了步伐,努力构建公立医院与基层医疗机构“上下联动、分工协作”的格局。 深化医改启动后,基层医疗机构的硬件日益硬起来,然而,软件“软”的现实却一时难以改变。人才吸收难依然是基层医疗卫生机构发展最大的“瓶颈”,要解决群众“看病难”,这一问题不可回避:而要解决这一问题,完善住院医师培训、提高基层医护人员待遇等则不可或缺。 (四) “以药补医”是中国公立医院的痼疾。多年来,由于政府对公立医院投入不足,所以允许公立医院在药品进货价的基础上加价15%再卖给患者。这就导致了“医生开药越多、医院创收越多”的利益路径。“医药分开”呼声已久,但阻力很大。医院普遍担心,取消药品加成后,收入亏损怎么补 (五) 在今年 [填空题]起吊长形构件时,由于需要有两个或以上吊点,故多采用( )。
[填空题]引导进路锁闭方式主要适用于进路内( )或部分信号开放条件不满足(如需要显示的灯泡断 丝、延续进路不能建立等)。
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