Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
On the anniversary of the artist’s birth, Van Gogh’s Sunflowers was (21) for just under £ 25 million at the fine art auctioneers(拍卖), Christie’s, in London. The (22) was triple the previous record of £ 8 million paid in 1985 for Mantegna’s Adoration of the Magi. At least ten bidders (23) for the painting, half (24) telephone, anonymously battling it out in leaps of £ 500,000. Van Gogh wrote in a letter of 1889 that one of these Scots or Americans (25) to pay 500 francs--about £ 25 at that time-- for (26) a painting. Christie’s A. mind B. brain C. thought D. imagination [判断题]车床主轴与轴承间隙过小或松动被加工零件产生圆度误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]发生日食时,人们可以看见太阳的外层()
A. 色球层 B. 日珥 C. 日冕 D. 光球层 [判断题]从业人员在运输大巷行走时应走人行道,严禁在轨道中间行走。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]职业职业道德是指人们在职业生活中应遵循的()。
A.基本道德 B.B、根本道德 C.C、主要道德 [单项选择]大肠的运动形式为
A. 袋状往返运动 B. 分节或多袋推进运动 C. 蠕动 D. 以上都是 E. 以上均不是 [判断题]业务训练时,可以视情随身携带与执勤训练无关的坚硬、锋锐物品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人的一生其实就是这样的,0岁出场,10岁快乐成长,20岁为情彷徨,30岁基本定向,40岁拼命打闯,50岁回头望望,60岁告老还乡,70岁搓搓麻将,80岁晒晒太阳,90岁躺在床上,100岁挂在墙上。这段话说明
A.不同事物的矛盾各有其特点 B.同一事物的矛盾在不同发展阶段各有其特点 C.构成事物的诸多矛盾各有不同的性质、地位和作用 D.每一矛盾的不同方面各有不同的性质、地位和作用 [多项选择]产生滑坍的主要原因是()
A. 边坡太陡 B. 边坡太高 C. 填方不密实 D. 缺少应有的支撑和加固 [多项选择]我国建设工程概预算中,( )应列入其他直接费。
A. 二次搬运费 B. 施工机械燃料动力费 C. 生产工具使用费 D. 职工教育费 E. 差旅交通费 [填空题]One of those rare local creations of America, cowboy poetry has a long and vivid history, driven by its colorful practitioner and memorable poems.
Cowboy poetry is a form of poetry which grew out of a tradition of instant composition carried on by worker on cattle drives and ranches. After a day of work, cowboys would gather around a campfire and (36) one another with tall tales and folk songs. (37) was common, so poetic forms were employed to help memory. Cowboy poetry is distinctive both in its (38) specific subject matter and its traditional use of rhyme and meter. While the range of (39) landscapes explored in cowboy poetry are the traditional province of poetry, from joy to (40) , from humor to spirituality, the particulars (41) from the American West: homes, cattle, fire, storms, mythic figures of cowboys and rancher, and the splendid (42) . In keeping with their subject matter, cowboy poets [多选题]( ) 是国家法律的一般特性。
A.鲜明的阶级性 B.普遍的适用性 C.高度的权威性 D.相对的稳定性 我来回答: 提交