Martin Luther King Jr. was born in
Georgia in 1929. When was {{U}} (36) {{/U}} a boy Martin learned that
his{{U}} (37) {{/U}}, the black Americans, were{{U}} (38)
{{/U}}treated differently from most of {{U}} (39) {{/U}}fellow
Americans. Many could not attend good schools, {{U}} (40) {{/U}} good
jobs, or live in nice houses because of the color of their {{U}} (41)
{{/U}}. Martin knew that in a free country this was {{U}} (42)
{{/U}}. He wanted to help his black brothers, {{U}} (43) {{/U}}he
decided to go to school and 44 a minister. He became a pastor (牧师) in
Montgomery, Alabama. This is{{U}} (45) {{/U}}Martin Luther King’s
"peaceful fight" first began. Dr. King worked{{U}} (46) {{/U}}equality in other cities. He knew that the{{U}} (47) {{/U}}way people could win their ri A. with B. in C. by D. for [单选题]由于接班人员检查不彻底发生的问题,由( )负责。
A.交班人员 B.接班人员 C.值长; [不定项选择题]共用题干
1 The idea of rainmaking is almost as old as man,but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded in making rain.In ancient times,rainmakers had claimed to bring rain by many methods:dancing,singing, killing animals(including humans). 2 For a long time,men have understood where rain comes from.Water from the surface of oceans and lakes becomes part of the air,where it forms clouds from which rain falls.But exactly what starts the forma- tion of raindrops was not known until quite recently.A man named John Aitken proved that drops of water gather around tiny bits of dust or other matter. The centers of the drops are so small that the human eye can- not see them.Without such centers,it seems raindrops do not form. 3 During World War Ⅱ,Dr. Irving Langmir,and his assistant Schaefer,were hired by the General Electric Company to study how and why ice forms on the wings of airplanes.They went to a mountain in New Hampshire,where snowstorms are common and cold winds blow. They were surprised to find that often the temperature of the clouds surrounding them was far below the freezing point,and yet ice did not form in the clouds. 4 After the War,Schaefer experimented with a machine that created cold,moist air similar to the air found in clouds.To imitate the moist air of a cloud.Schaefer would breathe into the machine.Then he would drop into the freezer a bit of powder,sugar,or some other substance.For weeks and months he tried everything he could imagine.Nothing happened.No crystals of ice were formed.None of the substances would serve as the center of a snow crystal or raindrops. 5 One July morning,Schaefer was dropping in bits of various substances and watching the unsuccessful results.Finally,a friend suggested that they go to eat lunch and Schaefer went with him.As usual,he left the cover of the freezer up,since cold air sinks and would not escape from the box. 6 Returning from lunch,Schaefer found that the temperature of the freezer had risen to a point higher than that required for ice crystals to remain solid.There were two choices now.He could close the cover and wait for the freezer itself to lower the air temperature,or he could make the process occur faster by adding dry ice a gas in solid form that is very,very cold.He chose the latter plan.As he dropped the steaming white dry ice into the freezer,he happened to breathe out a large amount of air. And there,before his eyes,it happened ! He had made ice crystals,not by adding centers to the moisture,but by cooling the breath so much that the liquid had to form crystals!Then he began to blow his breath into the freezer and drop large pieces of dry ice through it to create crystals which became a tiny snowstorm falling slowly to the floor of his laboratory. 7 After planning carefully,Schaefer made an experiment by dropping dry ice from his plane to the clouds below him.As was expected,snow formed and fell from the bottom of the cloud.Schaefer succeeded. He made history. Schaefer found a way of how to make ice crystals_________. A.imaginatively B.recently C.carefully D.unscientifically E.accidentally F.satisfactorily [多选题]单一制功率因数调整电费等于(____)乘以(____)。
A.目录电度电费 B.功率因数调整电费增减率 C.电度电费 D.功率因数 [单选题]安装减速顶的线路应正向设置防爬器,顶群区段:木枕线路每12.5米不应少于( )对,混凝土枕线路不应少于( )对。
A.2,3 B.5,2 C.3,5 D.5,3 [单选题]从2020年7月1日零时起,对整车合法运输的( )车辆,不再享受通行费优惠政策
A.仔猪及冷鲜猪肉 B.种猪及冷鲜猪肉 C.种猪及冷冻猪肉 D.仔猪及冷冻猪肉 [多项选择]下列属于经济法原则的是( )。
A. 平衡协调原则 B. 维护公平竞争原则 C. 有限干预原则 D. 垄断竞争原则 E. 责权利相统一原则 [单选题]消防救援机构发现下列违法行为,应当责令停产停业的是( )。
A.生产、储存、经营易燃易爆危险物品的场所与居住场所设在同一建筑物内 B.建筑内安全出口、楼梯、疏散通道被单位用实体墙封堵、占用,不及时消除可能严重威胁公共安全的 C.占用消防车道,妨碍消防车通行的 D.违反消防安全规定进入生产、储存易燃易爆危险品场所的 [单选题]()权利观与其他权利观的根本区别是强调社会的物质生活条件对权利的制约和决定作用。
A.资本主义 B.马克思主义 C.功利主义 D.实用主义 E.答案错误,自行解答 [多选题]全面巡视是指在例行巡视项目基础上,对站内设备开启箱门检查,记录设备运行数据,()等方面的详细巡查。
A.检查设备污秽情况 B.检查防火、防小动物、防误闭锁等有无漏洞 C.检查接地引下线是否完好 D.检查变电站设备厂房 [简答题]科学和科学事实的关系
A.遗尿、尿频、尿闭 B.月经不调、崩漏 C.头痛、眩晕、失眠 D.遗精、阳痿 E.产后恶露不尽 [判断题]145.如试验管段为钢管和铸铁管的混合管段,则其试验时间和允许压力降以铸铁管为准。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一切电话中断、未办妥闭塞,单线区间的优先发车站是()的车站。
A.A、开上行列车 B.B、开下行列车 C.C、有待发列车 D.D、有旅客列车 [判断题]理财有风险
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]身上着火时,应()。
A. 用灭火器喷灭 B. 就地打滚,或用厚衣物覆盖压灭火苗 C. 使劲拍打 [单选题]火蔓延速度快,通常每小时可达几百米或一公里以上,这种火往往燃烧不均匀,常留下未烧的地块,有的乔.灌木没有被燃烧,危害也较轻。火烧迹地呈长椭圆形或顺风伸展呈三角形,这种火为()。
A.急进地表火 B.稳进地表火 C.连续型树冠火 D.地下火 [单项选择]广泛前壁心肌梗死()
A. V1~5ST段抬高,异常Q波形成 B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVFST段抬高,异常Q波形成 C. V5~V7,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、ST段抬高,异常Q波形成 D. Ⅰ、aVLST段抬高,异常Q波形成 E. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF、V3R~V6R、ST段抬高,异常Q波形 [单项选择]目前,南极地区的法律地位是由“南极条约体系”确定的。根据南极条约体系,以下哪项不属于南极法律制度的内容
A. 缔约方放弃原来所提出的领土主权要求 B. 南极专用于和平目的 C. 对南极的领土主权不得提出新的要求或扩大现有要求 D. 南极科学考察自由 我来回答: 提交