Evolutionary theories. The Belgian
George Lemaitre proposed the idea that about 20,000 million years ago all the
matter in the universe--enough, he estimated, to make up a hundred thousand
million galaxies--was all concentrated in one small mass, which he called the
"primeval atom". This primeval atom exploded for some reasons, sending its
matter out in all directions, and as the expansion slowed down, a steady state
resulted, at which time the galaxies formed. Something then upset the balance
and the universe started expanding again, and this is the state in which the
universe is now. There are variations on this theory: it may be that there was
no steady state. However, basically, evolutionary theories take it that the
universe was formed in one place at one point in time and has been expanding
ever since Will the universe A. It concerns the place and time of the formation of matter. B. It is whether the universe will continue to expand or not. C. It is the current state of the universe. D. The variations on evolutionary theories cause the difference. [单选题]How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence "Tell us all about it"?
A.one B.two C.three D.four [判断题]孙中山认为,中国古代最好的制度是考试。
[单项选择]Whenever you need Tom, he is always there whether it be an ear or a helping hand, so you can always lean on him
A. count on B. benefit from C. stand for D. stick to [单项选择]低剂量Ⅱ-Ag()
A. 引起T细胞免疫耐受 B. 引起B细胞免疫耐受 C. 引起T、B细胞免疫耐受 D. 不引起免疫耐受 E. 引起免疫抑制 [单选题]在配电终端上工作。在配电终端上工作结束前,应与相关配电主站核对业务正常。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]要把煤矿负责人和生产经营管理人员( )与矿长资格证、矿长安全生产资格证及经济收入等挂钩,严格考核。
A.下井带班情况 B.勤政情况 C.联系群众情况 [判断题]A2、A3修时缓冲器盒上、下面磨穿时报废,弹簧盖、盒各接触面磨耗超过5mm时报废。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )螺纹道钉改道时,应用木塞填满钉孔,钻孔后旋入道钉,可以锤击螺纹道钉。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]各级稽核管理单位对非名单车辆或套牌车辆错误限制通行时应及时做好( )与( )工作避免发生( )。 事后应及时进行原因分析根据情况作出整改处置。
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