{{B}}Brokers{{/B}} Brokers neither physically handle products being distributed nor work on a continuing{{U}} (19) {{/U}}with their principals{{U}} (20) {{/U}}, a broker is an independent wholesaling middleman that brings buyers and sellers together and provides market information to either party. M0st brokers work for sellers, {{U}} (21) {{/U}}a small percentage represent buyers. Brokers have no authority to set prices. They simply negotiate a sale and leave it up to the seller to accept or{{U}} (22) {{/U}}the buyer’s offer. They also furnish considerable A. raise B. take C. reject D. lower [单选题]突出矿井编制并至少( )更新1次各主采煤层瓦斯地质图,规范填绘瓦斯赋存采掘进度、煤层赋存条件、地质构造、被保护范围等内容,图例符号绘制统一,字体规范。.
A.每半年 B.每年 C.每二年 [单项选择]浓硫酸对纸、木、布等有机物能起碳化作用。是由于其()缘故。
A. 还原性 B. 氧化性 C. 酸性 D. 腐蚀性 [单选题]信访是指公民、法人或者其他组织采用书信、电子邮件、传真、电话、走访等形式,向各级人民政府、县级以上人民政府工作部门反映情况,提出建议、意见或者投诉请求,依法由( )处理的活动。
A.有关行政机关 B.县级以上人民政府 C.市级以上人民政府 D.有关司法机关 [简答题] Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Singapore, especially in places where traffic is heavy and crossing the road is dangerous.
The purpose of these bridges is to enable people to cross roads safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossing(斑马线). They are more efficient although less convenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to older people. When people use an overhead bridge, they don’’t hold up traffic. However, when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is why the government has built up many overhead bridges to help people and to keep traffic moving at the same time.
For their own safety, people should be encouraged to use them instead of risking their lives by dashing(冲,闯)across the road. Old people, however, may find it a little difficult climbing up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the danger
[单选题]使用伸缩式验电器时应保证绝缘的( )。
A.长度 B.有效 C.有效长度 D.良好 [单项选择]患者男性,28岁。拒绝吃饭,认为动物体内流淌着像人类一样红色的血液,具有生命,所以不应该吃肉,植物体内流淌着绿色的血液,也具有生命,也不可吃。这个患者表现的症状为()。
A. 逻辑倒错性思维 B. 思维散漫 C. 思维中断 D. 象征性思维 E. 思维破裂 [多选题]无尿可出现在( )。
A.休克 B.急性肾功能衰竭 C.急性中毒 D.双侧输尿管结石嵌顿 [单选题]十九大报告指出了党的建设的总要求,并强调全面推进党的“五个建设”,其中( )处于统领地位,()是管党治党的治本之策。
A.思想建设组织建设 B.政治建设纪律建设 C.制度建设作风建设 D.理论建设制度建设 [单选题]当可燃包装材料重量超过丁类物品本身重量的()时,这类物品仓库的火灾危险性应为()类。
A. 1/2 甲 B. 1/4 丙 C. 1/3 乙 D. 2/3 丁 [填空题]飞机的最大着陆重量是根据()和()所能承受的()而规定的()全部重量的()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]五软证的主证可见()。
A. 头发稀少,生齿迟缓 B. 肌肉松弛,四肢萎软 C. 肢体瘦弱,腹部膨大 D. 前囟宽大,目如落日 E. 眼眶凹陷,皮肤干燥 [单选题]慢性肾炎病情迁延。病变缓慢进展,最终将发展为
A.肾病综合征 B.肾小动脉硬化症 C.尿路严重感染 D.慢性肾衰竭 E.梗阻性肾病 我来回答: 提交