During the reign of Augustus the Rome
army became a professional one. Its core of legionaires was composed of Roman
citizens who served for a minimum of twenty five years. Augustus in his reign
tried to eliminate the loyalty of the legions to the generals who commanded
them, forcing them to take an oath of allegiance directly to him. While the
legions remained relatively loyal to Augustus during his reign, under others,
especially the more corrupt emperors or those who unwisely treated the military
poorly, the legions often took power into their own hands. Legions continued to
move farther and farther to the outskirts of society, especially in the later
periods of the empire as the majority of legionaires no longer came from Italy,
and were instead born in the provinces. The loyalty the legions felt to their
A. made up 60 legions B. equalled the legionaires in number, C. didn’t make up a big portion of Rome army D. declined in Rome army [单选题].关于高质量备课的特点是每次课都应包括
A.某个简单原理、程序或技能的最基本的要素 B.与前次课内容相衔接的新材料和新内容 C.每一个信息点都是训练大纲的目标所要求的 [多选题]布制备品定位存放在备品柜内。无备品柜或备品柜容量不足的,硬卧车定位放置在( )号卧铺下。
A.4 B.5 C.18 D.19 [多项选择]不自主运动包括()
A. 舞蹈样动作 B. 震颤 C. 手足徐动 D. 摸空症 E. 病理反射阳性 [单选题]800兆电台充电器( )表示电池块已完成快充,正处在慢充模式。
A.红灯常亮 B.绿灯常亮 C.黄灯常亮 D.绿灯闪烁 [单选题]教授:如果父母都是O型血,其子女的血型也只能是0型,这是遗传规律。学生:这不是真的,我的父亲是B型血,而我是O型血。学生最有可能把教授的陈述理解为( )。
A.只有O型血的人才会有O型血的孩子 B.0型血的人不可能有B型血的孩子 C.B型血的人永远都会有O型血的孩子 D.如果父母都是B型血,其孩子也会是B型血 [单选题]2号线BAS系统AO输出模块为( )通道。
A.A.2 B.B.16 C.C.4 D.D.8 [单项选择]劳动关系的补偿金属于()。
A. 婚姻共同财产 B. 婚前个人财产 C. 婚姻特有财产 D. 结婚8年后为夫妻共同财产 [单项选择]生化汤主治证的病机是
A. 热与血结 B. 血虚受寒 C. 气虚血滞 D. 冲任虚损 E. 血瘀气滞 [判断题]对高于36V电压的设备进行带电作业时,未脱离导电部分时,可以与站在地面的人员接触或相互传递工具、材料。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列选项中属于矛盾斗争性的表现的有()
A.剥削阶级与被剥削阶级的对立 B.各地区之间经济发展的不平衡 C.先进思想与落后思想的冲突 D.同学之间对某一问题认识上的差异 [单选题]邮政企业、快递企业收寄危险品的,依照()的规定处罚。
A.《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》 B.《中华人民共和国邮政法》 C.《中华人民共和国合同法》 D.以上都是 [多选题]带电作业中影响安全的电流有( )
A.绝缘工具的泄漏电流 B.绝缘子串的泄漏电流 C.徒手作业时的旁路电流 D.使用导流绳的旁路电流 [判断题]操作票应进行编号,己操作过的应注明“己执行”保存期不宜少于6个月。(
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]本细则所指移动式起重机包括(),不包括桥式、门式、塔式、门坐式、桅杆式和缆索式起重机。
A.汽车起重机 B.随车起重机 C.履带起重机 D.轮胎起重机 [单选题]( )周岁以上且智力正常的未成年人是完全刑事责任能力人
A.8 B.10 C.12 D.14 [判断题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》适用于生产经营活动中发生的造成人身伤亡或者直接经济损失的生产安全事故的报告和调查处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Children have been said to have brain-injured child syndrome, hyperactive (极度活跃的) child syndrome and attention-deficit disorder (ADD). As early as the 1940’s, psychiatrists have (62) children with hyperactivity and extremely distracted and impulsive. These frequent name changes show how (63) researchers are about the causes of the problem and the diagnostic (诊断的) (64) for the disorders.
In the past several years, the people who study attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have (65) to clarify the disorder’s causes and (66) ., and have reasons to believe that it may be (67) . Today’s view on this disorder is very different from the beliefs of just a few years ago. Researchers are finding that ADHD is not a disorder of just attention, but is from a developmental (68) in the brain’s circuitry and self-control. The loss of self-control (69) other important brain functions compulsory for (70) a 我来回答: 提交