On Tuesday August 11th, 1911, a young
artist, Louis Beraud, arrived at the Louvre in Paris to complete a painting of
the Salon Carre. This was the room where the world’s most famous painting, the
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, was on display. To his surprise there was an
empty space where the painting should have been. At 11 o’clock the museurn
authorities realized that the painting had been stolen. The next day headlines
all over the world announced the theft. Actually the Leonardo had been gone for more than twenty-four hours before anyone noticed it was missing. The museum was always closed on Mondays for maintenance. Just before closing time on Sunday three men had entered the museum, where they had hidden themselves in a storeroom. The actual theft was quick and simple. Early the next morning Perrugia removed the pai A. Perrugia stole the painting for the sake of his country. B. The painting was once taken away by Napoleon. C. All the criminals who had stolen the painting were put into prison. D. It was reported loon on the newspaper that the original painting had been found. [不定项选择题]A.ABC时间管理法
A.四象限时间管理法 B.记录统计法 C.拟定时间进度表 D.区域管理法 E.把时间分为整体、阶段和瞬时三种情况来进行管理属于 [单项选择]邓小平同志科学世界观最鲜明的特征是
A. 一切为了群众,一切依靠群众 B. 从群众中来,到群众中去 C. 解放思想,实事求是 D. 坚持马克思主义,发展马克思主义 [单选题]越区供电期间,值班人员应每隔()对室外设备、母线及馈线进行巡视
A.半小时 B.一小时 C.两小时 D.以上全错 [单选题]空载变压器受电时引起励磁涌流的原因是( )。
A.线圈对地电容充电; B.合闸于电压最大值; C.铁芯磁通饱和; D.不是上述原因。 [单项选择]诺基亚8850手机出现无送话故障的常见原因分析错误的为()。
A. 送话器本身损坏 B. 送话器与电路板接触不良 C. 多模转换器N250无供电 D. 送话器偏压控制管不正常 [单项选择]性鞭毛的特点,下列错误的是
A. 仅见于少量阳性菌 B. 比普通菌毛长 C. 数量少(1~4根) D. 带有性菌毛的细菌称为雄性菌 E. 具有致育性 [多选题]3月19日至20日,部消防救援局在宁波召开全国重大灭火救援课题研讨会,浙江省消防救援总队就“一机制两规程”做了演示和汇报。“一机制两规程”是指( )
A.灭火救援现场行动安全管控机制 B.消防员个人安全行动规程 C.灭火和应急救援安全训练规程 D.消防救援队伍作战训练安全行动手册 [单选题]成熟淋巴细胞定居的部位为
A..骨髓 B..胸腺 C..法氏囊 D..周围免疫器官 E..淋巴结 [单选题]根据“克拉克分类法”,物流产业属于( )。
A.第一产业 B.新兴产业 C.第二产业 D.第三产业 [单选题][难度:0.5][分数:1]晶粒间交界的地方称为( )。
A.晶粒 B.晶界 C.晶格 D.晶体 [单项选择]下列哪项不是影响局部麻醉药吸收的因素
A. 药物剂量 B. 术前用药 C. 局部麻醉药性能 D. 血管收缩药使用 E. 作用部位 [单项选择]Recreational runner Carrie Johnston usually doesn’t feel hungry after a good sweat. Exercise (31) Johnston’ s appetite, but she knows she needs to (32) lost calories following a workout.
"When I come home from a good run, I force myself (33) supper," says Johnston, a dietitian at McMaster University in Hamilton. (34) Johnston says many female athletes let good eating habits go and riskhealth (35) thinness. Johnston, who works in the bone-marrow transplant unit at McMaster, has a background in sports (36) . In 1997, while a student at the University of Guelph, she worked with Prof. Heather Keller on a study for her (37) on the eating habits of female (38) . The (39) person with eating disorders is driven by a desire to look svelte, says Johnston. But her study focused on athletes who eat less to lower weight and body fat (40) the belief it will improve (41) . The stu A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Furthermore [单选题]紫外线火焰检测器的检测元件是( )。
A.A.晶体管 B.B.二极管 C.C.三极管 D.D.光电管 [多项选择]相对于大型企业,中小企业具有以下()的特点,同样也面临着经营风险高,资金周转需求旺盛,融资难,企业主个人和企业财务联系紧密的挑战。
A. 规模小 B. 投资见效快 C. 经营决策权高度集中 D. 机制灵活 E. 有效率 [单选题]电气设备金属外壳保护接地线,接地干线可按相应电源相线截面积的( )选用。
A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.1/5 [多选题]在对醉酒旅客采取约束措施之后,如果确认醉酒人酒醒,下列处置措施正确的是( )。
A.视情况决定是否解除约束 B.应当解除约束 C.可以不解除约束 D.应进行询问 [单项选择]由于中国尚缺乏应对国际经贸问题的足够经验,在经贸政策制定与实施时一旦考虑不够周详,就容易被人抓住把柄,信奉“中国威胁论”者会顺势予以鼓吹,其杞人忧天式的言行给中国带来压力;政治意识形态与文明上的差异使得欧美国家的一些政客动不动就把中国作为其国内问题的“替罪羊”。最能准确复述这段话主要意思的是( )
A. 国际环境复杂多变,影响和平与发展的不稳定不确定因素增多 B. 发达国家在经济科技上占优势的压力将长期存在,世界经济发展不平衡状况加剧 C. 与中国相关的经济问题正越来越频繁地被泛政治化 D. 贸易保护主义有新的表现 [单项选择]单核细胞病理性增多见于()
A. 急性感染的恢复期 B. 组织移植排斥反应 C. 传染性淋巴细胞增多症 D. 过敏性鼻炎 E. 结核病 我来回答: 提交