Some drug makers pay key leaders in a
field of medicine, such as chairs of departments in medical schools, tens of
thousands of dollars if they are saying the right things about their product.
They manipulate medical education sessions, lectures, articles in medical
journals, research studies, even personal conversations between physicians to
get their product message across. Now a huge collection of drug company internal documents--revealed as part of a lawsuit—offers a wealth of detail. In 1996, Dr. David Franklin, an employee of the drug company Parke-Davis, filed the lawsuit under federal whistleblower statutes alleging that the company was illegally promoting a drug called Neurontin for so called "off-label’ uses. Under federal law, once the FDA approves a drug, a doctor can prescribe it for anything. But the law specifically pr A. sympathizes the "thought leaders" who are being used. B. believes medical opinions should not be influenced by drug companies. C. criticizes the practices of some drug companies indignantly. D. proposes vigorous legal actions against "thought leaders". [单项选择]临界温度()的液化气体称为低压液化气体。
A. tc>60℃ B. tc>65℃ C. tc>75℃ D. tc>70℃ [单选题]炎热的夏季,很多人都喜欢喝饮料来解渴。关于饮料,下列说法正确的是()。
A.因此喝橙汁是补充维生素C的好办法 B.酸梅汤清热消暑,生津止渴,在清代还曾是宫廷御用饮品 C.上班族可以多饮用红茶,以减轻电脑辐射对人体的伤害 D.市场上常见的碳酸饮料,都会添加适量的防腐剂 [判断题]充换电站巡视过程中,巡视人员不得单独开启箱(柜)门,开启箱(柜)门前应验电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The government has a policy of fostering the public awareness of the dangers in smoking.
A. encouraging B. discovering C. hindering D. emphasizing [单选题]弧垂减小导线应力( )。
A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.可能增大,可能减小。 [判断题] 政府工作报告中指出,要引导各方面集中精力抓好“六稳”、“六保”。“六保”是今年“六稳”工作的着力点
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]温度仪表最高使用指示值一般为90%
A. 倾斜放置 B. 始终保持卧式装接 C. 使引线至印制板的边缘的距离不大于2mm D. 将可调组件放在便于调整的部位 [判断题]上下车切换阀可实现上下车油路的平稳切换和安全互锁。(中)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述中国一号信令中的线路信令、记发器信令和No.7信令在电路中各自的传输通路。
A.GYK; B.CIR; C.GSM-R; D.LKJ; E.TDCS [判断题]借款用途必须明确,不得以“消费”、“周转”、“经营”等模糊概念代替。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交