设计行车速度为300~350km/h时,双线隧道内轨顶面以上净空面积不应小于( )。
About three years ago, I felt very lonely. I didn’t like my classmates, my parents or anyone else. My classmates didn’t want to talk (1) me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me. I thought I was the (2) unlucky person in the world.One day I had a big fight with one of my classmates. I was so angry (3) I hit him in the face. Just at that moment, a boy stood up and (4) the fight. He was the monitor of my class.After that, he often helped me and we became good (5) , Whenever I got angry or sad, he would help (6) to cool down. My life began to change because of the boy, my best friend. We spent a lot of interesting days together. As (7) goes by, I have become happier with people and things. And it (8) that people around me have changed, too. My parents don’t shout at me (9) more and my classmates become friendly to me.But now I can’t often see my best friend because he is seriously (10) and is staying in hospital. How I miss the
Text 2 You’d think that if the San Andreas Fault went to the trouble of having a perfectly good earthquake, the folks on the US West Coast might at least notice. A new study reveals, however, that in 1992, what should have been a China-smashing 4.8 Richter-scale quake hit central California, and yet nobody felt a thing. The explanation for the odd shadow-quake was published last week in the journal Nature and may help improve science’s understanding of earthquakes in general. According to Alan T. Linda, a geophysicist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the study’s leader, what makes seismic events so destructive is not just that the earth moves but the speed with which it does so. In many quakes the earth’s surface movement that leads to shaking takes only seconds to unfold, sending energy exploding in all directio A. Fault material. B. Rock with holes. C. Pressure. D. Energy. [判断题]新设立单位自设立之日起45日内到社保中心办理住房公积金缴存登记手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在HMIS运用子系统中,()不是每曰必须向车辆段传输的数据。
A. 车统-14 B. 车统-23 C. 列检作业场概况 D. 车统-45 [单项选择]预防尿路感染的措施正确的是()
A. 多饮水,每2~3小时排尿1次 B. 保持会阴部清洁 C. 尽可能避免使用尿路器械检查 D. 性生活后排尿 E. 以上均正确 [单选题]结晶操作中,若溶液的过饱和度大,在搅拌的作用下,形成的晶体特点是()。
A.晶粒细小而均匀 B.晶粒大而均匀 C.晶粒大小不一 D.不确定 [填空题]耳者()之所聚,故耳与全身各部及脏腑联系密切。
[判断题] ( )平顶型直方图的形成由单向公差要求或加工习惯等引起。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]波普摇滚70-80年代盛行于哪里?()
A. 英国 B. 美国 C. 法国 D. 德国 [单选题]发式造型是利用头发作材料,利用物理、化学和美学等原理,通过( )等特殊手段,创作出美好的发型。
A.烫发、剪切、堆砌 B.剪切、染发、堆砌 C.剪切、组合、堆砌 D.剪切、组合、束发 [判断题]电气化铁路接触网停电检修时,禁止向停电区放行电力机车及动车组,司机发现不符合此项规定时,应立即降下受电弓并停车
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 禁止( )断、接引线。 (1.0分)
A. 带负荷 B. 带电 C. 停电 D. 无负荷 [单项选择]下列不属于母免的妊娠鉴定方法的是()
A. 称重法 B. 复配法 C. 追逐法 D. 摸胎法 [单项选择]设关系R(SNO,SNAME,DNO,MAG),主键为SNO。其中,SNO为学号,SNAME为学 生姓名,DNO为系号,MAG为系主任,则关系R属于
A. 1NF B. 2NF C. 3NF D. 不属于任何范式 [填空题]{{B}} How to Read Effectively{{/B}}
Many students tend to read books without any purpose. They often read
a book slowly and in great detail with the result that they frequently have no
(1)______view of what they are reading. (1)______
To read effectively, students are suggested to do the following:
1) To decide precisely on the (2)______for reading a book. (2)______
2) To decide what they are going to read:
a. The (3)______page should be read first. (3)______
b. The chapter headings are useful in indicating what should be read.
c. The Index can help to (4)______the pages related to some (4)______
3) To read the opening and final paragraphs so that they could know what
a book is m
[单项选择]我国某核基地高级工程师杨某,在国外进修期间因贪图美色、金钱,接受境外间谍机构任务,回国后多次秘密非法侵入某核基地计算机信息系统窃取国家核技术秘密送往国外,后被我国家安全机关查获。杨某的行为构成:( )
A. 间谍罪 B. 非法侵入计算机信息系统罪 C. 故意泄露国家秘密罪 D. 为境外刺探国家秘密罪 [判断题]电子设备折旧年限为5年( )3年
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Before placing a firm order, we should be glad if you would send us your products on fifteen day’s approval. Any of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock, would be returned at our expense. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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