Blake had been in very low water for
months--almost under water part of the time--due to circumstances he was fond of
saying were no fault of his own; and as he sat writing in his room on "third
floor back" of a New York boarding-house, part of his mind was busily occupied
in wondering when his luck was going to mm again, ① It was his room only in the sense that he paid the rent. Two friends, one a little Frenchman and the other a big Dane, shared it with him, both hoping eventually to contribute something towards expenses, but so far not having accomplished this result. ② They had two beds only, the third being a mattress they slept upon ih turns, a week at a time. Occasionally, when dinner failed them altogether, they swallowed a little raw rice and drank hot water from the bathroom on the top of it, a A. they were more sociable than Blake B. Blake had to write to earn a living C. they were offered some work to do D. they still had some money in them [单选题]下列不能予以治安管理处罚的是( )。
A.甲因爱慕一已婚女同事,经常给其发示爱信息 B.乙因局长曾责怪自己,每天匿名给局长发短信称局长中奖,让局长不胜其扰 C.丙因房檐滴水问题和邻居吵架后经常半夜给邻居打电话,打通后就挂 D.丁经常给班花发信息邀约班花看电影,遭拒绝后经常半夜给班花打电话装鬼叫吓唬班花 [单选题]婴儿泌尿道感染最主要的途径为()
A.血源性感染 B.淋巴感染 C.邻近组织蔓延 D.上行感染 E.外伤感染 [单选题]合金钢是指在( )基础上特意加入合金元素所获得的钢种(易)
A.碳素钢 B.45号刚 C.46号刚 D.锻造刚 [填空题]磁带机是最常用的数据备份设备,通常可分为( )和( )两大类。
A. 五台山佛光寺大殿 B. 五台山南禅寺大殿 C. 日本法隆寺经堂 D. 天津独乐寺大殿 [单项选择]女性,18岁,发热咽痛鼻出血10天,胸骨压痛明显,右下肢皮肤可触3cm×3cm大小肿块,质硬。红细胞2×109/L,血红蛋白60g/L,白细胞2×109/L,血小板20×109/L,骨髓增生极度活跃,原始细胞80%,部分胞浆中可见Auer小体,POX染色弱阳性,PAS染色胞浆淡红色,醋酸萘酚酯酶染色阳性,能被NaF抑制,诊断是
A. 急性粒细胞白血病 B. 急性早幼粒细胞白血病 C. 急性单核细胞白血病 D. 急性红白血病 E. 急性淋巴细胞白血病 [单选题]行政处罚由违法行为发生地的县级以上公安机关管辖。
A.#REF! B.#REF! [单项选择]对于城市的发展目标、性质和规模的研究确定,必须要考虑的范围是:
A. 整个国家 B. 城市所在的省份 C. 城市所在的区域 D. 城市本身 [单选题]大出血合并有伤口者,首先( )等进行止血,再消毒伤口进行包扎。
A.指压法、止血带止血法 B.指压法 C.止血带止血法 我来回答: 提交