{{B}}Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass{{/B}} In January, 2003, the eastern two-thirds of the United States was at the mercy of a bitterly cold air mass that has endangered Florida’s citrus trees, choked northern harbors with ice and left bewildered residents of North Carolina’s .Outer Banks digging out of up to a foot of snow. The ice chill deepened as temperatures fell to the single digits in most of the South, with an unfamiliar dip below the freezing mark as far south as parts of interior South Florida. Temperatures in Florida plunged, with West Palm Beach dropping to a record low of 2 degrees. "We couldn’t believe how cold it was," smd Martin King, who arrived this week in Orlando from England. "We brought shorts, T-shirt, and I had to go out and buy another coat." The A. The cold air mass was a threat to Florida’s citrus crop. B. The temperature in the United States except the South dropped below’the freezing mark. C. The northern harbors were blocked with ice. D. The eastern two thirds of the United States was hit by. cold air mass. [单选题]《危险性较大的分部分项工程安全管理规定》自2018年( )起施行。
A. 43466 B. 43525 C. 43617 D. 43709 [判断题]菜心是最常用的蔬菜,叶形有狭长、长圆形和卵形等多个品种,广州的菜心以青骨柳叶形状为好。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机动车驾驶人一次有两个以上违法行为记分的,应当怎么计算分值 。
A.计最高分值的违法行为记分 B.计总记分分值的平均值 C.分别计算,累加分值 D.计最低分值的违法行为记分 [判断题]外部监督的监督主体与监督对象之间不具有直接的行政隶属关系. ( )
A. 外感风热 B. 风热并重 C. 风热壅盛 D. 里热炽盛 E. 肺肝风热 [判断题]起重吊装用的吊装钢丝绳用绳夹连接时,钢丝绳夹座应在受力绳一边,每两个钢丝绳夹间距不应小于钢丝绳直径的7倍。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]I soon adjusted to college life此句话中的“adjust to”可以翻译为:适应。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]触电急救应分秒必争,一经明确心跳、呼吸停止的,立即就地迅速用( )进行抢救,并坚持不断地进行,同时及早与医疗急救中心(医疗部门)联系,争取医务人员接替救治。
A.心脏按压法; B.口对口呼吸法; C.口对鼻呼吸法; D.心肺复苏法 [简答题]解剖学内口
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在交通道口使用软跨时,施工地段来车一侧应设立交通警示标志牌,控制绳索人员应注意交通安全。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交