技师将支架蜡型制作完成后,常规包埋,烘烤除蜡,采用钴铬合金高频离心铸造 |
Only three strategies are available for
controlling cancer, prevention, screening and treatment. Lung cancer causes more
deaths than any other type of cancer. A major cause of the disease is{{U}}
(51) {{/U}}known; there is no good evidence that screening is of much
help; and treatment fails in about 90 per cent of all cases. At present,
therefore, the main strategy must be{{U}} (52) {{/U}}. This may not
always be true, of course, as for some other types Of cancer, research{{U}}
(53) {{/U}}the past few decades has produced (or suggested) some
important progress in prevention, screening or treatment.{{U}} (54)
{{/U}}, however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what
today’s knowledge could already deliver that is not being delivered, then the
most practicable and cost- A. health B. control C. environment D. treatment [多项选择]施工总承包管理模式与施工总承包模式相比的优点包括( )。
A. 合同总价不是一次确定,某一部分施工图设计完成后,再进行该部分施工招标,确定该部分合同价,因此,整个建设项目的合同总额的确定较有依据 B. 施工总承包管理模式负责对所有分包人的管理及组织协调 C. 所有合同和分供货合同的发包,都通过招标获得有竞争力的投标报价,对建设项目业主方节约投资有利 D. 所有合同的建立都降低了业主方的风险 E. 施工总承包管理单位只收取总包管理费,不赚总包与分包之间的差价 [判断题]按照《国家电网公司输变电工程标准工艺(三) 工艺标准库(2016年版)》规定,GIS组合电器外套筒法兰连接处应作可靠跨接或保证法兰间接触良好。( )[《国家电网公司输变电工程标准工艺(三) 工艺标准库(2016年版)》,工艺编号:0102030206]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]制定明确的救援程序和具体的应急救援措施的预案属于( )。
A.综合应急预案 B.专项应急预案 C.现场处置方案 D.现场应急预案 [多选题]《山东农村商业银行“信e贷”管理办法》规定,农商银行考核指标应以( )等正向引导性、激励性考核指标为主,禁止设置简单考核采集量和业务量的指标,避免出现过度采集和只采集无业务情况。
A.采集客户信息完整率 B.有效客户占比 C.资产质量 D.收益率 [单选题]为了得到有代表的样本,可以采用( )的方法,可以计算抽样误差的置信度。
A.概率抽样 B.随机抽样 C.估计抽样 D.定额抽样 [单项选择]以下除哪项外均为游走性青蛇毒临床特点?()
A. 多发于下肢 B. 肢体浅静脉出现节段性硬索条或结节,伴疼痛 C. 游走性,反复发作 D. 发作后可遗留皮下硬索条或皮肤色素沉着 E. 下肢发凉、疼痛为主要表现 [单选题]允许速度vmax>160 km/h的线路,轨端或轨顶面剥落掉块长度超过( )且深度超过3 mm时判为重伤。
A.15 mm B.20 mm C.25 mm D.30 mm [多项选择]明确是否存在肾衰竭,在临床中常规使用的指标是()
A. 血肌酐 B. 血浆白蛋白 C. 肌酐清除率 D. 血清免疫学检查 [简答题]中压滤失量的代号?泥饼厚度的字母代号?
[单选题]判断方位对于行军作战来说至关重要,我们判断方位的依据不包括( )。
A.利用指北针判定 B.利用太阳和手表判定 C.利用自然特征判定 D.利用道路判定 [单项选择]
Text 1 [单选题]《承包商井控违规责任追究》,现场( )未经评估.未在油田注册备案,追究所属勘探公司或井下作业公司违约责任,违约金10万元/人。
A.平台经理 B.工程师 C.承包商盯井.驻井井控专家 D.司钻 [单选题]授信管理顺序,遵循先()、后()和()的原则。
A.动态管理、授信、用信 B.用信、动态管理、授信 C.授信、用信、动态管理 D.授信、动态管理、用信 [多项选择]T4 DNA聚合酶具有的活性有( )。
A. 5’→3’-DNA聚合酶 B. 5’→3’-外切核酸酶 C. 3’→5’-外切核酸酶 D. 高温下5’→3’-DNA聚合酶 [简答题]Change
As relentlessly bad as the news about global warming seems to be, with ice at the poles melting faster than scientists had predicted and world temperatures rising higher than expected, there was at least a reservoir of hope stored here in Canada’s vast forests. The country’s 1.2 million square miles of trees have been called the "lungs of the planet" by ecologists because they account for more than 7 percent of Earth’s total forest lands. They could always be depended upon to suck in vast quantities of carbon dioxide, naturally cleansing the world of much of the harmful heat-trapping gas. But not anymore. In an alarming yet little-noticed series of recent studies, scientists have concluded that Canada’s precious forests, stressed from damage caused by global warming, insects and persistent fires, have crossed an ominous (危险的) line and are now pumping out more climate-changing carbon dioxide than they are sinking. Worse yet, the experts predict that Ca [简答题]基本操作题
public class Fibonacci{
public static void main( ){
System.out.println("Fibonacci is"+" "+ );
static long fib(int n){
if( )
return 1;
A.审慎性 B.真实性 C.准确性 D.完整性 [单选题]( )既是防治水污染的有力武器,又是实行排污许可证制度的基础。
A.环境影响控评价制度 B.污染物回收制度 C.污染物排放总量控制制度 D.环境污染控制制度 [单选题] 专用名词ALU的含义是 ( )。
A.存储器 B.控制器 C.运算器 D.中央处理器 [单项选择]女性,40岁。心悸气短8年,心前区疼痛,晕厥发作1年。查体:心尖部可及开瓣音及舒张期隆隆样杂音,胸骨左缘第3肋间3/6收缩期杂音。X线片左2弓突出,右侧双弧影。心电PTFV1异常,双峰P,右室肥大。
明确诊断需做下列哪项检查 A. 运动试验 B. 食管调搏 C. 心肌活检 D. 超声心动 E. 24小时Holter 我来回答: 提交