Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humans are. (1) the fruitfly experiments described in Carl Zimmer’s piece in the Science Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly (2) to live shorter lives. This suggests that (3) bulbs burn longer, that there is an (4) in not being too terrifically bright.
Intelligence, it (5) , is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow (6) the starting line because it depends on learning—a gradual (7) —instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they’ve apparently learned is when to (8) .
Is there an adaptive value to (9) intelligence That’s the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance (10) at all the species we’ve left in the du
A. moderate
B. overcome
C. determine
D. reach
One hundred boats bearing one million
desperate uninvited immigrants set sail from the Ganges (恒河) for the fabled
coast of the French Riviera. They are totally destitute and have decided that
their only chance of survival is in a country with a conscience that
traditionally welcomes refugees from the Third World. Their journey will take 50
days. In France, the news is trumpeted with pride by the liberal media, churchmen and left-wing activists. Favorable media echoes are heard all over Europe; Political leaders and the armed forces fumble for common policies. Publicly, French authorities praise the intrepid voyagers. Privately, they exchange ideas on how they can divert one million hungry souls to other shores. A trendy French radio journalist, Albert Dufort, sees the makings of a historical redistribution of wealth between A. France is the unique country that shows unconditional sympathy for the Indian refugees B. France intends to make the refugee problem politically publicized for its own benefit C. some French people actually hate the intrusion of so many refugees from the Ganges D. political leaders and the armed forces are particularly enthusiastic in receiving the refugees [多选题]我国化学制药工业存在的问题包括:
A.低水平重复严重 B.对国际市场行情了解不够 C.国有大型企业的品种结构和设备老化 D.质量管理水平低下 [单项选择]
男性,26岁,反复上腹痛4年,常于秋冬换季时加重,饥饿时加重,餐后可缓解。 反复上腹痛4年,饥饿加重,餐后缓解 该患者最可能的诊断是()A. 胃癌 B. 十二指肠溃疡 C. 慢性浅表性胃炎 D. 慢性萎缩性胃炎 E. 胃溃疡 [判断题]杠杆重锤式安全阀由阀体、阀盖、阀杆、导向叉、杠杆与重锤、棱形支座与力座、顶尖座、节流环、支头螺钉与固定螺钉等零件组成。
[单项选择]甲与乙是夫妻,甲经常在醉酒后对乙进行打骂。某日,甲又醉酒,以妻子有外遇为借口,将妻子的衣服撕掉,并用皮带对妻子的背部、四肢等部位进行抽打,后来甲觉得不解气,又拿了一截钢筋殴打乙的头部、背部、臀部和四肢,造成乙的双腿内外侧皮下大面积淤血,深达肌层。后来甲发现乙神情恍惚,心中害怕,赶紧把乙送往医院。乙经抢救无效死亡。经尸检,被害人的死亡是由于多次被钝击头部、背部、四肢,造成循环呼吸功能衰竭,但没有发现大量旧伤。则甲的行为构成何罪( )
A. 虐待罪 B. 故意伤害(致死)罪 C. 故意杀人罪 D. 虐待罪和故意伤害(致死)罪数罪 [单项选择]某医疗辅助生殖技术机构在没有通知某当事人的情况下,将其冷冻保存精子为一患者提供了人工授精技术,该机构违背了哪项伦理原则()
A. 有利于供受者的原则 B. 知情同意的原则 C. 社会公益原则 D. 保密原则 E. 保护后代的原则 [多选题]禁止将( )物品和车辆配件工具放在行李架上。
A.锐器 B.铁器 C.玻璃 [单项选择]一般而言,正常的收入差距范围的基尼系数水平是()。
A. 0.1~0.3 B. 0.2~0.3 C. 0.2~0.4 D. 0.2~0.5 我来回答: 提交