Many years ago there was a huge oil
refinery fire. Flames shot hundreds of feet into the air. The sky was thick
with, black smoke. The heat was so intense that firefighters had to park their
trucks a block away and wait for the heat to die down before they could begin to
fight the fire. However, it was about to rage out of control. Then, all of a sudden, from several block away came a tire truck racing down the street. With its brakes screeching,, it hit the curb in front of the fire. The firefighters jumped out and began to battle the blare. All the firefighters who were parked a block away saw this, and they jumped into their trucks, drove down the block and began to fight the fire, too. As a result of that cooperative effort, they were just barely able to bring the fire under control. The people who saw this teamwork thought: "My goo A. a humorous story B. a sad story C. a news report D. a special report [单项选择]下列实验中,属于无损检测的是()
A. 射线探伤 B. 硬度试验 C. 插销试验 D. 腐蚀试验 [判断题]店铺的收藏人气会影响店铺的搜索排名。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]普通累犯是指判处有期徒刑以上刑罚的犯罪分子,刑罚执行完毕或赦免以后,在( )以内再犯应当判处有期徒刑以上刑罚之罪的犯罪人。
A. 三年 B. 四年 C. 五年 D. 十年 [填空题]目前最常用的字符识别技术是______。
[判断题]第一次“左”倾错误是在瞿秋白为中央主要领导的时候发生的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]“ln(论)”这个音节()
A. 由三个音素构成 B. 韵头是u C. 韵腹是e D. 由两个元音、两个辅音构成 E. 韵尾是辅音n [单选题]检查邻面龋的最好方法是
A.叩诊 B.探诊 C.扪诊 D.X线片 E.温度测试 [填空题]腰带和保险带、绳应有足够的( ),材质应耐磨,卡环(钩)应具有保险装置,操作应灵活。保险带、绳使用长度在3m以上的应加缓冲器。
[单项选择]Three years after its first test flight ended in an explosion, NASA on March 27 successfully launched an experimental jet that the agency believes it (47)______ a record-setting speed of about 5,000 mph.
The unpiloted X43A made an 11 second rocket boosted flight, then went through some twists and (48)______ during a six-minute glide before (49)______ into the Pacific Ocean about 400 miles off the California (50)______ .
Flight engineer Lawrence Huebner said preliminary data (51)______ the needle-nosed jet reached a maximum speed of slightly over seven times the speed of sound, or about 5,000 mph, after a rocket boosted it to about 3,500 mph. Huebner said it was the first time an "air breathing" jet had ever traveled so fast. The rocket powered X15 reached Mach 6.7 in 1967.
NASA built the X43A under a $250 million program to develop and test an (52)______ type of engine called a supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet. In theory, the air breathing engine could (53)_____
[单项选择]套利会面临市场风险,下列属于市场风险产生原因的是( )。
A. 交易网络发生故障 B. 价差的逆向运行 C. 交易所提高保证金比例 D. 一国调整商品的进出口关税 [多选题]防止瓦斯积聚和超限的措施主要有()。
A.加强通风 B.抽放瓦斯 C.及时处理局部积聚的瓦斯 D.加强瓦斯浓度和通风状况检查 [判断题]尽头线取送车辆时,可不显示十、五、三车距离信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电子商务系统的框架结构中,象征着电子商务的社会环境是( )
A.电子商务各应用系统 B.信息发布平台 C.政策、法律法规、以及安全协议、技术标准 D.电子商务平台 我来回答: 提交