If you are a tourist interested in
seeing a baseball game while in New York, you can find out which of its teams
are in town simply by sending a message to AskForCents. com. In a few minutes,
the answer comes back, apparently supplied by a machine, but actually composed
by a human. Using humans to process information in a machine-like way is not
new: it was pioneered by the Mechanical Turk, a famed 18th-century chess-playing
machine that was operated by a hidden chessmaster. But while computers have
since surpassed the human brain at chess, many tasks still baffle even the most
powerful electronic brain. For instance, computers can find you a baseball schedule, but they cannot tell you directly if the Yankees are in town. Nor can they tell you whether sitting in the bleachers is a good idea on a first date. AskForCents can, because i A. They get rewards by solving posted problems. B. They set up a separate account as companies do. C. They pay out fees to other users for their help. D. They receive cash after successfully performing HITs. [判断题]茶叶不仅可以用于菜肴中,而且可以用于甜菜、汤菜中。( )
[多选题]经济全球化的表现( )。
A.国际分工进一步深化 B.贸易全球化 C.金融全球化 D.企业生产经营全球化 [多选题]工程竣工验收时,应当具备的条件有()o
A.上级部门的批准文件 B.完整的技术档案与施工管理资料 C.工程竣工验收备案表 D.勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位分别签署的质量合格文件 E.有工程使用的主要建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备的进场试验报告 [判断题]救援列车、自轮运转特种设备及所挂车辆防溜措施由车站调车人员负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]等渗性缺水的诊断依据中,下列不正确的是()。
A. 消化液或体液的大量丧失 B. 恶心、厌食、乏力、少尿、眼窝凹陷、舌、皮肤干燥 C. 短期内体液丧失量达到体重的5%,出现休克表现 D. 实验室检查红细胞计数、血红蛋白和血细胞比容明显增高,尿比重增高 E. 动脉血血气分析有混合性酸碱失衡 [单选题]合环与解环操作注意事项,说法错误的是( )。
A. 合环前应确认相位一致,相角差不大于30度 B. 合环前应将合环点两侧电压偏差调整到最小,对于110千伏及以下电压等级合环点两侧电压差不应超过额定电压的10% C. 合、解环操作,应确保操作后系统各部分电压在规定范围以内,任一设备的潮流不超过系统稳定限额及设备容量限额,并满足继电保护等方面的要求 D. 环路中有属其他调度管辖的设备时,在合、解环操作前后应告有关调度 我来回答: 提交