Increasingly, over the past ten years,
people—especially young people—have become aware of the need to change their
eating habit, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods,
is not good for health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in
natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not
been affected by chemical fertilizers, widely used in farming today. Natural foods, for example, are vegetable, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil and are rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount— but not the A. Chickens are fed on food which is little better than garbage. B. Chickens live in very crowded condition. C. The eggs chickens produce lack vitamins. D. Chickens are free to move about. [单选题]同截面的导线,使用的电压等级越高,其电阻()
A.一样 B.越大 C.越小 D.都不对 [判断题]伤员脱离电源后,当发现触电者呼吸微弱或停止时,应立即通畅触电者的气道以促进触电者呼吸或便于抢救。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在一定压强下,混合物开始沸腾产生第一个气泡的温度,称为()。
A.A.露点 B.B.泡点 C.C.沸点 D.D.凝点 [单项选择]提高煤粉输送浓度的关键是()。
A. 仓式泵的容积 B. 流化效果 C. 高压输送 D. 大风量 [判断题]蒸馏是利用互溶液体混合物中各组分溶解度不同而分离成较纯组分的一种操作。
[单选题]按《塔里木油田井下作业井控实施细则》规定,H2S含量大于( )ppm(30mg/m³)的井作业时,应选用抗腐蚀的管汇和油气分离器。
A.20 B.30 C.100 D.300 [单项选择]劳动教养的期限为( )。
A. 2至5年 B. 2至4年 C. 1至4年 D. 1至3年 [多项选择]关节外伤脱位常发生在()
A. 肘关节 B. 肩关节 C. 踝关节 D. 腕关节 E. 胸椎 [单选题]CT图像重建采用的是( )
A.A.扫描的解剖结构信息 B.B.未经处理的原始数据 C.C.经计算机校正后的模拟信号 D.D.经计算机校正后的数字信号 E.E.由探测器接收的衰减数据 [填空题]下户线超过40M以上跨越距离时,应在中间设置()。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题].联络员使用录音笔程序.( )
A.联络准备。 B.联络开始 C.联络工作中 D.联络结束 E.录音转储并上传 [填空题]管理客体的属性是管理客体的()、管理客体的能动性、管理客体的系统性和不确定性。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]人类的足迹目前还只限于地球和月球,科学家却可以根据手边的各种资料推测火星上的状况,这说明思维具有()
A. 直观性 B. 概括性 C. 创造性 D. 间接性 [填空题]
Green Growth A.The enrichment of previously poor countries is the most inspiring development of our time. It is also worrying. The environment is already under strain. What will happen when the global population rises from 7 billion today to 9.3 billion in 2050, as demographers(人口统计学家) expect, and a growing proportion of these people can afford goods that were once reserved for the elite Can the planet support so much economic activity B.Many policymakers adopt a top-down and Western-centric approach to such planetary problems. They discuss ambitious regulations in global forums, or look to giant multinationals and well-heeled (富有的) NGOs to set an example. But since most people live in the emerging world, it makes sense to look at what successful companies there are doing to make growth more sustainable. C.A new study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) identifies 16 [单选题]施工现场用电工程的基本供配电系统应按( )设置。
A.一级 B.二级 C.三级 D.四级 [单选题]科学发展观与唯物辩证法的关系表现在( )
A.科学发展观高于辩证的发展观 B.科学发展观包括辩证的发展观 C.科学发展观就是辩证的发展观 D.科学发展观集中体现了唯物辩证法的基本观点 [单选题]急性阑尾炎常见的最典型临床表现是
A.阵发性右下腹痛 B.腰大肌试验阳性 C.发热 D.转移性腹痛 E.恶心呕吐 [简答题]FAS系统按总公司至铁路局、铁路局至站段、站段至车间三级结构组网。
[填空题]下面程序的输出结果是 【15】 。
Private Sub Commandl_Click( )
Dim a(1 To 20)
Dim i
Fori = 1 To 20
a(i) = i
Next i
For Each i In a( )
a(i) = 20
Next i
Print a(2)
End Sub
[多选题]生产经营单位的主要负责人未履行本法规定的安全生产管理职责,导致发生生产安全事故的,由应急管理部门依照下列规定处以罚款( )
A.A.发生一般事故的,处上一年年收入百分之四十的罚款; B.B.发生较大事故的,处上一年年收入百分之六十的罚款; C.C.发生重大事故的,处上一年年收入百分六八十的罚款; D.D.发生特别重大事故的,处上一年年收入百分之一百的罚款。 [单选题]固定资产零购业务中,哪一步操作之后会产生应付账款?( )
A.采购订单审批 B.收货 C.发票校验 D.采购申请 [简答题]问题同上
[单选题] 当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,新一轮科技革命和产业变革深入发展,国际力量对比深刻调整,( )仍然是
A.和平与竞争 B.生存与竞争 C.和平与发展 我来回答: 提交