In the college-admissions wars, we
parents are the true gladiators. We’re pushing our kids to get good grades, take
SAT prep courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first
choice. We say our motives are selfless and sensible. A degree from Stanford or
Princeton is the ticket for life. If Aaron and Nicole don’t get in, they’re
forever doomed. Gosh, we’re delusional. I’ve twice been to the wars, and as I survey the battlefield, something different is happening. It’s one-upmanship among parents. We see our kids’ college pedigrees as trophies attesting to how well--or how poorly--we’ve raised them. But we can’t acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them. So we’ve contrived various justifications that turn out to be half-truths, prejudices or myths. It actually doesn’ A. antipathy. B. apathy. C. ambivalence. D. dissent. [单项选择]木脚手架的立杆受(),会发生压应变,搭设时必须按安全技术规定竖杆,防止受力后立杆变形、失稳、下沉。
A. 轴向压力 B. 偏心压力 C. 侧向压力 [单项选择]根据我国《破产法》的规定,下列各项中,不属于管理人职责的是( )。
A. 决定债务人的内部管理事务 B. 在第一次债权人会议召开之前,决定继续或者停止债务人的营业 C. 决定第一次债权人会议召开的时间 D. 代表债务人参加诉讼、仲裁或者其他法律程序 [单项选择]注册造价工程师的注册有效期限为( )年。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]A company in Boston, AdelaVoice, has invented a smart-phone application called StartTalking that allows drivers to send and receive text messages while driving. Unfortunately, however, such a hands-free texting device will not reduce the likelihood of an accident while texting.
To date, 30 states have outlawed texting while driving. The new smart-phone application is obviously designed to get around such laws and allow the drivers to text while driving. However, the device is unlikely to reduce accidents for the same reason that the use of. hands-free cell phones apparently has not reduced auto accidents. As I explain in an earlier post, it is not the use of the hands while driving that is likely contributing to the greater likelihood of accidents while talking on the cell phone or texting, but the use of the brain for an evolutionarily novel, "unnatural" behavior of communicating with a person who is not present. Hands-free devices do not alter the evolutionary novelty of su A. the use of the hands B. the use of the eyes C. the use of the brain D. the use of the mouth [单选题]国家电网公司典型设计中智能变电站110kV及以上的母线主保护采用( )。
A.直采直跳 B.直采网跳 C.网采直跳 D.网采网跳 [多选题] "对具有多个裁量情节的,在调节处罚幅度时一般采取()的方式,也可以将对整个案情影响较大的情节作为主要考虑因素。
A.同向调节相抵减 B.同向调节相叠加 C.逆向调节相叠加 D.逆向调节相抵减 [单选题] 2019年10月25日起实施的车辆分公司《电动列车试运行及投用管理规定》中指出,列车跟跑调试结束列车回库后需()内将调试情况报生产计划部。
A.20分钟 B.30分钟 C.1小时 D.2小时 [多项选择]有关气管内插管术的描述,不正确的是
A. 插管过深可误入单侧支气管,导致缺氧或一侧肺不张 B. 浅麻醉下行气管插管,可因迷走神经兴奋而产生心动过缓、心律失常甚至心跳骤停 C. 气管插管术可保持呼吸道畅通,利于清除呼吸道分泌物,方便进行呼吸支持 D. 一般首选经鼻插管术,便于护理 [判断题]
双母线接线母线隔离开关数量较多,配电装置结构复杂、占地面积和投资大。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]马克思主义认识论的首要的基本观点是( )
A.客观实在性的观点 B.主体性的观点 C.反映的观点 D.实践的观点 [单选题]内生性骨软骨瘤的治疗方案应选择(1.00分)
A.肿瘤段切除 B.刮除植入松质骨 C.必要时可行人工关节置换术 D.截肢术 E.放疗、化疗、手术相结合 [简答题]简述农业推广经营服务的程序。
[多选题]电气化区段,接触网未停电的线路上,对( )类的车辆禁止手推调车。
A.棚车 B.敞车 C.平车 [单选题]设备检修时,回路中所有()刀闸的操作手柄,应加挂机械锁。配电安规
A.来电侧 B.受电侧 C.两侧 D.负荷侧 [多选题]钳形电流表使用时需要注意哪些问题( )。
A.当不知被测值时,电流档位要从大量程档向小量程档选择 B.不能带电转换档位; C.测量时,钳表口要慢慢合上,当发现指针偏转很小时,说明档位选择较大; [判断题]接通点火开关,摇转曲轴,电流表指针指“0”不动,说明低压电路短路。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]三腔气囊管使用过程中发生窒息的原因是( )
A..喉头水肿 B..牵引过紧 C..胃气囊阻塞咽喉 D..血液反流至气管 E..食管气囊充气过多 [单项选择]Routers A and B have an OC12c and a GE link between them and are running OSPF over both of these links.Which item is correct, assuming the default JUNOS software OSPF metric calculation?()
A. There are two equal cost paths between A and B B. The GE link is the preferred path between A and B C. The OC12c link is the preferred path between A and B D. Manual metric assignment must be configured to determine the outcome. [名词解释]三国
[单选题]根据《一号线 AFC系统操作手册》,便携式验票机长按电源键约( )秒,设备开机启动。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 我来回答: 提交