Experimenting with household objects
can often get young people in trouble, but for one intelligent, inquisitive boy,
it created the foundation of his future. Young Henry Ford discovered through his
curious mind that many objects were useful for much more than their intended
purposes. For example, he used to tinker with his father’s fanning tools to see
what they could do. He used his mother’s darning needles to help him repair
watches. And once, in an effort to study the power to steam, he sat and watched
water boil in his mother’s teapot. Little did Ford know that these experiments
would lead him to creating a means of transportation that would change the world
forever. Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863, near Detroit, Michigan. He was the oldest of six children and the grandson of immigrants from Ireland who came to America i A. The person must be fascinating and interesting to other people. B. The person must be relaxed and able to work long hours. C. The person must go to specialized schools to learn the necessary skills. D. The person must be persistent and ambitious about inventing. [单选题]在信用风险缓释技术的主要内容中,合格净额结算对于降低信用风险的作用在于( )。
A.违约损失率的下降 B.降低违约概率 C.交易主体只需承担净额支付的风险 D.保证金融产品的安全性 [多选题]设计文件会检及现场技术交底,应检查工程设计主要内容有哪些?
A.是否符合设计审查意见 B.是否符合相关规程规范、强制性标准及反措要求 C.是否符合改造原则、通用设计、省公司有关要求 D.物资材料是否属标准物料 [判断题]已经成立的行政执法行为,如发现其违法、不当或不再适应新的情况,有权机关无权撤销。
A. 避光、防潮,提高药物的稳定性 B. 掩盖药物的不良气味 C. 隔离配伍禁忌 D. 增加药物重量 E. 改变药物释放的位置和速度 [单项选择]通信电源设备保护接地的接地线,应()。
A. 就近与电源设备中的直流工作接地端连接 B. 单独从接地汇集线引入 C. 与附近设备中的保护接地端复接 [简答题]桥上ZPW-2000A型轨道设备的安装应遵循哪些原则?
[简答题]扳道、信号人员( )准备完了后,及时报告( )(能从设备上确认者除外)。
A. 黄疸 B. 血红蛋白尿 C. 手术野渗血,血压下降 D. 喉头水肿、呼吸困难 E. 大量血性泡沫痰 [判断题]专职安全员装备出乘前统一领取,退乘后统一保管。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] Passage 1