A trade fair(trade show or expo)is an exhibition(展览)organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate(展示)their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent trends and opportunities. Some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives(members of the trade)and members of the press, therefore trade shows are classified as either “Public” or “Trade Only”. They are held on a continuing basis in virtually all markets and normally attract companies from around the globe. For example, in the U. S. there are currently over 2,500 trade shows held every year, and several online directories have been established to help organizers, attendees, and marketers identify appropriate events. Consequently, cities often promote trade shows as a means of economic development.
An increasing number of trade fairs are happening online, and these events are called virt
To find Kim Hyung Gyoon’s office in Samsung’s
R&D complex,iust follow the baskets of dirty clothes.No, Kim is not running
the company laundry.As chief of Samsung’s Washing & Cleaning Technology
Group(WCTG),he’s the man behind a new washing machine that deposits tiny silver
particles(small pieces of things)-about 1/10,000 the thickness of a human
hair—onto clothes to make them germ-and-odor- free without the need for hot
water.The device represents the first mass-produced application of this type of
nanotechnology—the science of very small structures—to home appliances."In
summer of 2002, I asked everyone in the office to take off their socks,"says
Kim."I took one sock from each person and placed it in a regular washing
machine; the others were washed in a machine with the Ag + Nano System.The next
day, I asked everyone to check the od A. one wash-load could be much larger than before B. the clean-up is done with an additional benefit C. cleaning powder is no longer necessary D. a lot of water could be saved [单项选择]单缸内燃机中,活塞与连杆之间的联接属于()
A. 移动副 B. 螺旋副 C. 转动副 D. 高副 [单选题]扩展名为EXE的文件称为()。
A.后备文件 B.可执行文件 C.文本文件 D.系统文件 [单选题]油气分离器倒运时,应按启动分离器步骤先检查( )。
A.备用分离器 B.安全阀 C.来油压力 D.欲停分离器 [判断题]防御洪水方案经批准后,有关地方人民政府可以看情况执行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )HSE管理体系是由壳牌公司首创的。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]金融机构通过第三方识别客户身份的,第三方未采取符合《反洗钱法》要求的客户身份识别措施的,由该第三方机构承担未履行客户身份识别义务的责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]劳动合同和集体合同制度包括()。
A. 劳动合同的订立、履行 B. 集体合同协商、订立的程序 C. 劳动合同的变更、解除和终止 D. 集体合同协商、订立的原则 E. 因劳动合同发生争议的调节和处理 [单项选择]个类中定义了成员函数、静态成员函数和友元函数,以下叙述中正确的是()。
A. 成员函数、静态成员函数和友元函数都具有this指针 B. 成员函数具有this指针,静态成员函数和友元函数没有this指针 C. 成员函数和静态成员函数具有this指针,但友元函数没有this指针 D. 成员函数和友元函数具有this指针,而静态成员函数没有this指针 [单项选择]下列哪一项不是辛伐他汀的禁忌证()
A. 活动性肝炎 B. 过敏者 C. 孕妇及哺乳妇女 D. 原因不明的持续转氨酶升高者 E. 胃肠胀气 [单项选择]谷类的脂肪主要存在的部位为()
A. 谷皮 B. 胚乳 C. 胚芽 D. 糊粉层 [单选题]非上市公司股权激励中不包括()
A.股份期权 B.业绩股份 C.限制性股票 D.虚拟股票期权 [判断题]扁钢与钢管、扁钢与角钢焊接时,为了连接可靠,除应在其接触部位两侧进行焊接外,并应以由扁钢弯成的弧形或直角形卡子与钢管或角钢焊接。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]资源节约的主要内容有(),推进资源综合利用,发展循环经济。
A. 节约能源 B. 节约用水 C. 节约原材料 D. 节约和集约用土地 E. 节约资金 [单选题]每个 LGCIU 每次单独控制完成多少个收放循环,才进行转换?
A.1; B.2; C.3; D.4 [多项选择]肾小球滤过率的大小取决于
A. 滤过膜的通透性和有效滤过面积 B. 肾血浆流量 C. 肾小球毛细血管血压 D. 血浆胶体渗透压 E. 肾小囊内压 [单项选择]治疗行痹的主方为()
A. 桂枝汤 B. 麻黄汤 C. 越婢汤 D. 桂枝芍药知母汤 E. 防风汤 [单项选择]部分激动剂的特点为()
A. 与受体亲和力高而无内在活性 B. 与受体亲和力高有内在活性 C. 具有一定亲和力,但内在活性弱,增加剂量后内在活性增强 D. 具有一定亲和力,内在活性弱,低剂量单用时产生激动效应,高剂量时可拮抗激动剂的作用 E. 无亲和力也无内在活性 我来回答: 提交