"The US economy is rapidly
deteriorating," says Mr. Grannis. "The odds of a recession are now very high,
perhaps by the end of the year." There are already some signs that important
pillars are weakening. Consumer confidence has fallen for the past two months.
The housing sector, which has been buoyant, is starting to sink. Corporate
profits are falling. Some analysts are especially concerned over the sharp fall
of commodity prices. They believe it represents the threat of deflation, it
could cause a global slowdown. "The Fed will have to act forcefully to arrest
the deflationary forces," says Robert Lamorte, chairman of Behavioral Economics,
a consulting firm in San Diego. But others counter that the central bank doesn’t
need to intervene. They argue the Fed should wait to see real data before
acting. "The A. To provide liquidity to the market. B. To keep a close watch on Wall Street. C. To observe the influence of a sliding market on consumer confidence and give a timely response. D. To prevent the stock market from sliding too much. [单选题]发生公共卫生事件,责任车班、车队接到报告后应在( )向段应急委汇报,并随时由列车长、车队长向段应急办汇报现场情况。
A.5分钟内 B.10分钟内 C.15分钟内 D.30分钟内 [单选题]路由表是将电报根据( )把电报分发到指定的信道中的路由的集合
A.收电地址 B.发电地址 C.电报种类 D.流水号 [判断题]单稳态触发器暂稳态维持时间的长短取决于外界触发脉冲的频率和幅度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对道德与法律的关系进行分析,下列说法不正确的是:( )
A. 法律规范必须要有道德作为价值基础 B. 道德的状况制约着立法的发展,道德为立法指明方向 C. 加强法律调整有助于弥补道德调整的不足 D. 道德对法律实施起着不可忽视的促进作用 [单项选择]诊断急性阑尾炎最重要的体征是
A. 右下腹有肌紧张 B. 右下腹有反跳痛 C. 右下腹有明显固定压痛点 D. 闭孔内肌试验阳性 E. 结肠充气试验阳性 [多选题] 带电作业工具房应配备( )(数量以满足要求为准),辐射均匀的加热器,足够的工具摆放架、吊架和灭火器等。
A.湿度计 B.温度计 C.抽湿机 D.静电消除器 [判断题]二氧化碳电弧的穿透力很弱。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]受伤者外观无出血,但常表现面色苍白,脉搏细弱,气促,冷汗淋漓, 四肢厥冷,烦躁不安,甚至神志不清等休克状态,应迅速躺平,抬高下肢,保持温暖,速送医院救治。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](),是指农村商业银行为保障负责人公务活动交通需要配备的车辆。
A.公务用车 B.业务保障用车 C.个人用车 D.单位用车 [判断题]车辆在高速公路上行车,可以频繁地变更车道。
[多选题]变压器的调压方式有( )。
A.无励磁调压 B.有载调压 C.改变地次侧匝数调压 D.心变负载调压 [单项选择]针刺角度分类未见()。
A. 斜刺 B. 沿皮刺 C. 直刺 D. 平刺 E. 逆刺 我来回答: 提交