Esperanto is an artificial language
designed to serve internationally as an secondary means of communication among
speakers of different languages. The creation of Ludovic Lazar Zamenhof, a
Polish-Jewish ophthalmologist(眼科学者), Esperanto was first presented in 1887. An
international movement to promote its use, although originally annoyed with
’disagreement, has continued to flourish and has members in more than 80
countries. Esperanto is used internationally across language boundaries by at least one million people, particularly in specialized fields. It is used in personal contacts, on radio broadcasts, and in a number of publications of both modern works and classics. Its popularity has spread from Europe— both East and West — to such countries as Brazil and Japan. It is, however, in China that Esperanto had had its greate A. The Origin of Esperanto B. Esperanto in China C. Elements of Esperanto D. Esperanto [单选题]配电站、开闭所户内高压配电设备的裸露导电部分对地高度小于()m时,该裸露部分底部和两侧应装设护网。
A.2.8 B.2.5 C.2.6 D.2.7 [单项选择]
A. QRS增宽 B. ST-T改变伴右束支传导阻滞 C. 电轴左偏,左心室肥厚 D. 室上性心动过速 E. 束支传导阻滞 [判断题]塑料安全帽有效期自制造完成之日起计算,为30个月。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在同一电气连接部分用同一张工作票依次在几个工作地点转移工作时,全部安全措施由运维人员在开工前一次做完,不需再办理转移手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]乳牙易产生继发龋的原因不包括()
A. 乳牙矿化程度偏低 B. 感染的软化牙本质未除尽 C. 无基釉或充填体折裂 D. 不良修复体 E. 充填材料中氟的释放较少 [多选题]“___” 的地段,牵引供电设备支柱在距轨面2.5m高处均要设警示标志。
A.站内 B.站台 C.行人较多 D.行人较少 [单项选择]能治疗寒热虚实各种水肿的药物是
A. 薏苡仁 B. 猪苓 C. 泽泻 D. 茯苓 我来回答: 提交