The U. S. Army Infantry (步兵), which
calls Fort Benning home, has fought in every major conflict involving the
nation’s military. Yet developing a program for effective infantry training came
neither quickly nor easily. The first movement to shape the country’s foot
soldiers into a superior force came more than 200 years ago at the request of
the general who became the first president of the United States. Revolutionary forces commanded by General George Washington were barely surviving as they camped at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, during the winter of 1777. Washington realized that his soldiers, shivering in rags. Needed better training if there were to be any hope of winning against the well-schooled British army. He sought advice from the respected Prussian (普鲁士) general, Baron Fredreich von Steuben. Von Steuben agree A. Valley Forge B. Fort Benning C. Prussia D. Washington’s hometown [单选题]根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》,造成30人以上死亡的事故,属于( )。
A.一般事故 B.较大事故 C.重大事故 D.特别重大事故 [单选题]CRH2 型动车组同一轮对镟修后车轮径向跳动应≤( )mm。
A.0.6 B.0.4 C.0.3 D.0.5 [名词解释]共同海损制度
A. 相同 B. 相反 C. A、B均可 [单选题]下列合同订立情形中,不属于《合同法》规定的合同无效的情形的是()。
A.一方以欺诈、胁迫的手段订立合同,损害国家利益 B.恶意串通、损害国家、集体或者第三人利益 C.订立合同时显失公平 D.损害公共利益 [判断题]螺口灯座安装时灯座的顶芯应与相线连接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]正常时,滤过分数约为( )
A.15% B.19% C.25% D.30% E.35% [多项选择]施工图预算的构成有()。
A. 成本 B. 利润 C. 税金 D. 预算管理费 E. 规费 [单选题] 房间送风温差愈大,送风量G愈小,这对减小风管尺寸和风机的功率、噪声都是( )的。
A.有利 B.有害 C.无用 D.不利 [单项选择]现行的中华人民共和国军官军衔不包括()级别。
A. 少尉 B. 上尉 C. 中将 D. 大将 [单项选择]三相电路中,相与相之间的电压叫()。
A. 相电压 B. 线电压 C. 端电压 D. 电势 [判断题]03344 电流互感器额定电压是指电流互感器一次绕组的绝缘水平。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交