Nuclear Power and Its Danger{{/B}} Nuclear power’s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation. Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery, about it, partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can’t be seen or heard, or touched, or tasted, even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example, radio waves are all around us but we can’t detect them, sense them, without a radio receiver. Similarly, we can’t sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things. At very high levels, radiation can kill an animal or human being outright by killing masses of cells in vital organs. But even the lowest level of radiation can A. The importance of protection from radiation cannot be over-emphasized. B. The mystery about radiation remains unsolved. C. Cancer is mainly caused by radiation. D. Radiation can hurt those who are not aware of its danger. [单选题]路由器位于OSI协议的( )。
A. 数据链路层 B. 网络层 C. 传输层 D. 物理层 [单选题]患者,女性,65岁,诊断为尿毒症,精神不振,下腹无胀满,24小时尿量为80ml。护士判断该患者的排尿情况属于
A.蛋白尿 B.无尿 C.少尿 D.尿量偏多 E.尿量偏少 [单项选择]噪声通过()的渠道影响人的健康。
A. 刺激鼓膜 B. 影响情绪 C. 损伤听力 D. 升高血压 [多选题]收费人员查验绿色通道车辆时正确选择接受查验的车辆类别,准确录入出入口收费站( )等信息。
A.车牌号 B.车牌颜色 C.重量 D.金额 [单选题]消防救援人员违法违纪,应当给予处分的,由 ( ) 按照管理权限给予处分。
A.本级机关 B.上级机关 C.任免机关 D.监察部门 [单项选择]关于通知被拘留人家属或单位的表述,正确的是()。
A. 特殊情形下,经县级以上公安机关负责人批准,可以暂不通知被拘留人家属或单位 B. 特殊情形下,公安机关不必履行通知被拘留人家属或单位的义务 C. 特殊情形下,侦查人员可以自行作出决定,不通知被拘留人家属或单位 D. 无特殊情形,在被拘留后的48小时内,公安机关应当通知被拘留人家属或单位 [简答题]秦昭襄王刚即位就派遣军队进攻魏国的蒲邑蒲邑的长官听取了谁的计谋智退秦军?
[单选题]29岁,经产妇,妊娠38周,阴道无痛多量流血4小时。查血压85/60mmHg,脉搏108次/分。无宫缩,宫底在剑突下2指,臀先露,胎心率96次/分,骨盆外测量正常。此种情况最恰当的处理方法是( )。
A.立即剖宫产 B.期待疗法 C.静滴缩宫素 D.人工破膜 E.外转胎位术 [多选题]电流的单位有( )。
A.安培 B.伏特 C.毫安 D.毫伏 E.欧姆 [单项选择]绝对性红细胞增多见于()
A. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 B. 腹泻 C. 慢性肾上腺功能减退 D. 严重慢性心肺疾病 E. 大面积烧伤 [单选题]在重新点火前进行炉膛吹扫时,吹扫空气量一般为额定负荷空气量的( )。
A.20~25% B.25~30% C.30~35% [填空题] Television now plays such an important part in so many people’’s lives that it is (36)_________for us to try to decide whether is a (37)_________or a curse. Obviously television has both (38)_________and disadvantages. But do the former (39)_________ the latter In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a (40)_________cheap one. They just sit comfortably at home and enjoy (41)_________series of programmes rather than to go out in search of (42)_________ elsewhere. Some people, however, (43)_________ that this is precisely where the danger lies. The television viewer needs to do nothing.
(44) __________________. Secondly, television keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics. Yet here again there is a danger. The television screen itself has a terrible, almost physical fascination for us. (45) __________________.
There are many other arguments for and against
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