In order to rent and drive a car in
Japan, you require a Japanese driving license or an international driving
permit. In case of France, Germany and Switzerland, an official translation of
your home country’s driving license is required. International driving permits must be obtained in your home country, usually through the National Automobile Association, before you leave for Japan. They are valid for one year and must be accompanied by your home country’s driving license in order to be valid. Japan recognizes only international driving permits, which are based on the Geneva Convention of 1949. Some countries, such as France, Germany and Switzerland, however, issue international driving permits, Which are based on different conventions. The permits issued by those countries are not valid in Japan. Instead, people with a Frenc A. Because they don’t issue international driving permits. B. Because they don’t use English or Japanese. C. Because they are based on different conventions. D. Because they are also based on Geneva Convention of 1949. [判断题]整体组立杆塔,抱杆脱帽时,杆塔应及时带上反向临时拉线,并应随电杆起立适度收紧。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]114、金属镜架装配渐进多焦点镜片时,先松开锁紧块螺丝,将镜片装入镜圈槽内,注意镜片( )与镜架水平基准线保持平行;旋紧螺丝;检查镜片的装配情况;最后整理镜架。
A.A、十字刻印的连线 B.B、隐性刻印的连线 C.C、顶焦度 D.D、棱镜度 [单选题]某建设工程有X、Y、Z三项风险事件,发生概率分别为:PX=10%,PY=15%,PZ=20%,潜在损失分别为:QX=18万元,QY=10万元,QZ=8万元,则该工程的风险量为()万元。
A.1.5 B.1.6 C.1.8 D.4.9 [单选题]分段绝缘器滑道应平行于轨面,最大误差不超过( )mm。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单选题]绝缘接头轨缝不得小于( )。
A.4mm B.6mm C.8mm D.10mm [判断题]对道路石油沥青。延度试验中要求温度为15℃或10℃,拉伸速度通常为5cm/min±0.25cm/min。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]表明企业经营状况是否安全、有无亏损甚至倒闭的危险的目标是()。
A. 社会责任目标 B. 成长性目标 C. 竞争性目标 D. 稳定性目标 [填空题]女职工在怀孕期间,所在单位不得安排其从事国家规定的( )和( )的劳动,不得在正常劳动日以外延长劳动时间。
A. 轻度中毒 B. 中度中毒 C. 重度中毒 D. 慢性中毒 E. 极度中毒 [多选题]全网兜底费率生效日: 全网入出 口可达路径最小费率生效日是指全网兜底费率的生效时间。 全网费率管理平台定期集成各省费率参数,计算发布全网入出 口可达路径最小费额参数,全网兜 底费率参数的生效日期目前是每月的( )日. ( )日。
A.1 B.16 C.5 D.15 [简答题]综合录井仪钻井液液位(超声波池体积)传感器标定,缓慢匀速移动传感器,每一个测量点处稳定时间不小于1min, 记录各测量点的距离值和计算机采集值。
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