Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person who is (1) only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, even (2) . You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to (3) the truth of this.
Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a comer; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite (4) .
(5) , there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, once broken, makes the offender immediately the object of (6) .
It has been known as a fact that a British has a (7) for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it (8) .
Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom (9) forecast add hence becomes a source of interest and (10) to everyone.
This may be so.<
A. reserved
B. urgent
C. embarrassed
D. anxious
Help Your Child Become a
Reader Encouraging early reading skills can build a path to a lifelong (终身的) love of reading and can help your child get a head start in school. While reading to your child is still the most important thing you can do to build reading skills, there are many techniques that can help. Make reading fun. Play games with your child as you read. Many traditional children’s games can be adapted to encourage reading skill. While reading or during play, tell your child, "I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter b. "Help the child find something on the page or in the room that begins with that letter. For example, "I see a barn". This can also be used to teach beginn [多项选择]下列选项中属于企业面临的外部威胁的是( )。
A. 与竞争对手无差别的产品 B. 竞争对手先进入分销渠道 C. 新竞争对手的出现 D. 针对自己产品的潜在税务负担 [多选题]6、甲与邻居乙发生争执,将乙打伤,当时鉴定为轻微伤。市公安局决定对甲处以行政拘留10天。6个月后,乙以鉴定结论有误为由向人民法院起诉,要求追究甲故意伤害的刑事责任。经重新鉴定,乙的伤情构成轻伤。某人民法院以故意伤害罪判处甲拘役一个月。关于甲刑罚的执行,下列选项中,表述错误的是()
A.甲被行政拘留的期间,应当折抵刑期 B.行政拘留决定是公安机关作出的,而拘役的判决是人民法院作出的,故甲被行政拘留的时间不能折抵刑期 C.行政拘留是行政处罚措施,拘役是刑罚,二者性质不同,不能相互折抵 D.甲的行政拘留时间能否折抵刑期,应由人民法院酌定 [多选题]车辆应有识别的标记:路徽、车型、车号、制造厂名及日期、定期修理的日期及()、换长等。
A.处所 B.自重 C.载重 D.容积 [单项选择]电击伤的临床表现不包括()
A. 头晕、心悸、乏力 B. 昏迷,心跳、呼吸骤停 C. 感染中毒性休克 D. 组织灼伤、肢体坏死 E. 常合并外伤 [单选题]不属于普通借记支付业务的是()
A.中国人民银行机构间的借记业务 B.国库借记汇划业务 C.国库批量扣税业务 D.人民银行规定的其他普通借记支付业务 [单选题]每个矿井至少有( )个以上能行人的安全出口,出口之间的直线水平距离必须符 合矿山安全规程和行业技术规范。
A.一 B.二 C.三 [判断题]中国的家训文化起源于上古时期的普通百姓父子相传、口耳相授的实践,很早就开始。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]That low moaning sound in the background just might be the Founding Fathers protesting from beyond the grave. They have been doing it when George Bush, at a breakfast of religious leaders, scorched the Democrats for failing to mention God in their platform and declaimed that a President needs to believe in the Almighty. What about the constitutional ban on "religious test(s)" for public office the Founding Fathers would want to know. What about Tom Jefferson’s conviction that it is Possible for a nonbeliever to be a moral person, "find (ing) incitements to virtue in the comfort and pleasantness you feel in its exercise" Even George Washington must shudder in his sleep to hear the constant emphasis on "Judeo- Christian values." It was he who wrote, "We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land ... every person may here worship God according to the dictates of his own heart."
George Bush should know better than to encourage the theocratic ambitions of the Christian right. Th A. highlight the role of the government. B. pay tribute to religious leaders. C. limit the command of the government. D. encourage the believers’ ambitions. [填空题]高空作业使用的小型工具、材料应放置在( )) 内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]欲配制 c(Na2C03)=0.5mol/L 溶液 500mL,应称取 Na2C03 ( )。
A.A.39.0 克 B.B.53.0 克 C.C.13.3 克 D.D.26.5 克 [判断题]测定发动机燃料的饱和蒸气压可以判断燃料蒸发性的大小。
[判断题]空调冷凝器管内高压高温制冷剂气体被管外循环空气冷却,冷凝成高压低温制冷剂液体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交