2008年江苏省城市土地面积、人口情况统计表 | ||||||
城市 | 土地面积 (平方公里) | 年末总人口 | 当年出生人口 (万人) | 当年死亡人口 (万人) | 人口密度 (人/平方公里) | |
(万人) | 女 | |||||
南京市区 | 4723 | 541.24 | 266.69 | 4.31 | 2.96 | 1146 |
无锡市区 | 1623 | 237.42 | 119.13 | 1.75 | 1.63 | 1463 |
徐州市区 | 1160 | 184.40 | 89.02 | 1.30 | 0.95 | 1590 |
常州市区 | 1872 | 225.87 | 113.10 | 1.61 | 1.49 | 1207A. 镇江市区 B. 南通市区 C. 连云港市区 D. 泰州市区 [单选题] ( )B737-800 型飞机圆形救生船的载量为_____。
A.46-69 人 B.58-78 人 C.65-78 人 D.55-68 人 [单项选择]脾肿大最常见的原因是()
A. 门脉高压 B. 白血病 C. 淀粉样变性 D. 类肉瘤病 E. 脾外伤 [单选题]轨撑损坏、松动,轨撑与轨头下颚或轨撑与垫板挡肩离缝大于()。时应有计划地进行修理或更换。
A.2mm B.3mm C.4mm D.5mm [判断题]( )离子型烟火报警传感器内部的参考室与被监视空间相通。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
For centuries, the nature of the brain was shrouded in mystery. Aristotle is said to have 1 it was a cold sponge, whose main task was to 2 the blood. Later, Leonardo da Vinci 3 the brain as a curious void filled by three tiny bulbous structures 4 in a straight line 5 the eyeball. Not all early theories were quite so misguided, 6 . From the first studies 7 language deficits, it was 8 that the brain played some direct part in language use. In 1836, an 9 French country doctor, Max Dax, claimed that, in forty aphasic (患失语症的) patients he had seen, 10 of language ability always 11 with damage to the left half of the brain. Thirty years later, this claim was 12 proved by the French surgeon Paul Broca. He had studied aphasic 13 in patients who were found to have brain damage 14 the left frontal lobe. Broca was struck by the contrast with right hemisphere damage, 15 seemed to have little effect on speech. The area Broca isolated and the aphasia associated with it now 16 his name, " [单选题]凡是能与空气中的氧或其它氧化剂发生化学反应的物质称( )。(易)
A.助燃物 B.可燃物 C.着火源 D.易燃物 [单项选择]Ten years after the event, her death still remains a {{U}}puzzle{{/U}}.
A. mist B. fog C. secret D. mystery [判断题]高压喷射按喷射方式有旋喷、定喷和摆喷三种基本形状 ( )【GB51004-2015建筑地基基础工程施工规范4.9】
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]主要通过降低cGMP含量发挥作用的平喘药是()。
A. 支气管哮喘 B. 茶碱类 C. 抗胆碱药 D. 抗过敏药 E. 白三烯受体拮抗剂 [简答题]钢轨绝缘处对轨缝轨头有何要求?
[多选题] 年8月,由于天气干旱,农民甲的农作 物缺水,甲便将某化肥厂排放的污水引入自己的农田 灌溉,结果造成农作物死亡,甲要求化肥厂承担赔偿 责任。下列关于此案的说法哪些是正确的?
A.A。根据无过错原则,化肥厂应承担赔偿责任 B.甲可以直接以化肥厂为被告提起诉讼 C.化肥厂须举证证明损害是由甲自己的行为造 成的方可免责 D.甲提起诉讼的最后期限为2006年8月 [单选题] 职业健康监护档案包括劳动者的职业史既往史职业危害接触史职业健康检查结果及处理情况职业病诊疗等有关个人健康资料。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]大修井场应配35Kg灭火器1具、8Kg灭火器2具,消防锹四把,消防桶四个,消防钩二把,消防砂2m³。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工作票的有效时间,以批准的工作时间为限。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 1. TCMS还检测显示器轮径值的有效性,判断轮径值是否在
之间,如果超出范围,TCMS在显示器上报警提示司机 我来回答: 提交