It was Friday, the day of the field
trip on which Miss Joan would take her class to pick apples. Miss Joan enjoyed picking apples with her students. She smiled as she led her students to the bus that would take them to the Greenly Apple Orchard (果园) . The bus ride was bumpy and the kids were a little noisy, but still Miss Joan was smiling. The bus stopped in front of the Greenly Apple Orchard and the class got off quickly and quietly. Miss Joan made sure everyone was there. "What a glorious, sunny, apple picking day," Miss Joan announced with her grandest smile. Mr. Greenly was there to greet them. "Let’s see, there are eighteen children and two adults at three dollars each. That will be sixty dollars, please." Miss Joan held up the brochure in her hand. "It says that the price is two dollars each," she poi A. She did not read the brochure carefully. B. She made a reservation after seeing the brochure. C. She lost her temper in the end. D. She didn’t know how to complain. [单选题]矿井高压电网,必须采取措施限制单相接地电容电流不超过()。
A.(A)10.0 B.(B)20.0 C.(C)30.0 [单选题]发挥党委的领导核心作用和党支部的( )作用和党员的先锋模范作用。
A.攻坚 B.模范带头 C. 战斗堡垒 D.战斗保障 [填空题]CRC技术的全称是【 】。
A. Lvine B. Landsteiner和Wiener C. Stetson D. Coulter E. Landsteiner [单项选择]
A. when B. while C. in order D. and [判断题] 五级以上强风中可酌情进行攀登高处作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人民币图样的使用实行一事一批的审批制度。中国人民银行是使用人民币图样的审批机关,中国人民银行各分支机构是使用人民币图样申请的受理机构。
A. 道德素养 B. 专业知识 C. 教学技能 D. 教育机智 [单项选择]液压舵机系统中的油温超过()时,一般应停止工作,查明原因。
A. 50℃ B. 60℃ C. 70℃ D. 80℃ [单项选择]关于相关商品市场及其界定,下列说法不正确的是( )
A. 相关商品市场,是指具有替代关系的商品范围 B. 所有具有相互替代关系的商品构成同一个市场 C. 商品市场都是以需求可替代性来界定 D. 商品之间的可替代性越高,它们之间的竞争关系就越强,就越可能属于同一相关市场 [单项选择]单级离心泵采取()平衡轴向力。
A. 平衡鼓 B. 叶轮对称布置 C. 平衡孔 D. 平衡盘 [单项选择]足阳明胃经的原穴是()
A. 内庭 B. 陷谷 C. 冲阳 D. 解溪 E. 丰隆 [单选题]立法体制主要是指( )。
A.依法划分立法权限的体制 B.依法划分法律部门的体制 C.依法划分司法权限的体制 D.国家权力分立与制衡的体制 [多选题]在承包人提供材料和工程设备一览表中,需要由招标人填写的项目为( )。
A.风险系数 B.基准单价 C.投标单价 D.发承包人确认单价 E.交货方式 [填空题]
A. 脑损伤 B. 脊髓损伤 C. 腓总神经损伤 D. 胫神经损伤 E. 股神经 [单选题]单位等级发生变化、队旗褪色或者其他原因不宜使用时,应当换发新队旗,旧队旗存入队史馆(荣誉室)或者交由( )以上单位保管。
A.中队 B.大队 C.支队 D.总队 [单项选择]体温调节中枢和体温感觉中枢分别在()
A. 大脑皮层、下丘脑 B. 下丘脑、大脑皮层 C. 下丘脑、下丘脑 D. 大脑皮层、大脑皮层 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司信息系统运行维护管理办法》Q/CSG218001-2018,系统因需求变化发生系统更新前,均须重新通过第三方测评机构的()安全测评;发生业务类更新前,业务管理部门应组织进行()测试;发生大版本更新前,应通过第三方测评机构的()测试。
A.出厂、性能、功能 B.入网、性能、功能 C.等级保护、性能、功能 D.入网、功能、性能 [单选题]( )是各种人力资源具体计划的核心,是事关全局的关键性计划。
A.制度规划 B.组织规划 C.费用规划 D.战略规划 我来回答: 提交