It was the day I froze a household pet
that I began to worry about my memory. Technically, it was not a real household
pet I froze but a bag of tropical fish, which on the scale of beloved members of
any home, rank somewhere below the family cat and above all attractive set of
coasters. And technically, I didn’t completely freeze my fish. Rather, I
absent-mindedly tossed them into the refrigerator with a bag of other things I
had bought and fortunately found them just before my highly sensitive tropical
fish could turn into lightly breaded dinner fish. Nonetheless, that near-death experience--for the fish, if not for me--woke me up to the fact that my memory might not be all it once was. In the hope of improving my memory, I decided I would first try the memory books. However, much of what I read was, at first blush A. as a result of her failing taste B. as was warned on the package C. as a result of taking the drug D. as was advised by her doctor [判断题]非紧急情况,运行中不得使用保险闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]制定《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》最重要的目的是制裁各种特种设备安全违法犯罪行为。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]B-A-A-019 5 2 3
( )主要装运鱼、肉、水果、蔬菜等鲜活易腐货物。 A.保温车 B.敞车 C.罐车 D.特种车辆 [单选题]( ),是指人们发自内心的对自己所从事职业的职业道德规范、职业道德义务的正当性、合理性的真诚信仰。
A.职业道德情感 B.职业道德意志 C.职业道德信念 D.职业道德习惯 [判断题]铁路运输收入分为客运收入.货运收入.铁路建设基金.代收款( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]模板及其支架应具有足够的承载能力、刚度和稳定性,应能可靠的承受新浇筑混凝土的自重,侧压力和施工过程中所产生的荷载以及风荷载。 ( )
A. 正确 B. 错误 [填空题]在非组合CCCH条件下,AGCH保留块数为1,NCH块数也为1(即和AGCH重合),不使用eMLLPP,每51复帧的NCH发送能力为1条通知消息,那么每秒将有()个通知消息。
A. 取保候审 B. 监视居住 C. 监外执行 D. 立即释放 [单项选择]患者,男性,82岁。发现右腹股沟部可复性肿块4年,肿块突出伴疼痛不能还纳3小时。恶心呕吐3次。查体:腹部稍胀,右腹股沟可触及6cm×5cm×5cm大小包块,局部无压痛,无反跳痛,肠鸣音亢进。
该患者考虑的诊断是() A. 股疝 B. 腹股沟淋巴结炎 C. 腹股沟斜疝嵌顿 D. 腹股沟直疝 E. 精索静脉曲张 [多项选择]合理的债务资金结构需要考虑( )。
A. 融资成本、融资风险 B. 合理设计融资方式 C. 偿还顺序及保证方式 D. 币种及期限 E. 偿还对象 [简答题]什么是产品?产品包括哪四大类?
[多选题]关于消费税纳税义务发生时间的说法,正确的是( )。
A.纳税人采取预收货款结算方式的,其纳税义务发生时间为发出应税消费品的当天 B.纳税人采取托收承付方式的,其纳税义务发生时间为发出应税消费品并办委托收手续的当天 C.纳税人采取委托加工应税消费品的,其纳税义务发生时间为纳税人提货的当天 D.纳税人采取进口应税消费品的,其纳税义务发生时间为报关进口的当天 E.纳税人采取自产自用应税消费品的,其纳税义务发生时间为使用完的当天 [填空题]Fish are animals that live in water. They live in almost any place (11) there is water. Some are found in lakes, other fish live in the sea. Most fish never (12) water. There are about 21,000 kinds of fish. One kind might not look like another. Some fish are very small. The smallest one is no bigger than a fly. Others are very big. The biggest fish can (13) to 60 feet. One kind of fish looks (14) it has a little horse’s head. It is called a sea horse. It doesn’t swim very well. A sea horse is mostly pushed along by the (15) water. What does it do when it wants to stay in one place It takes hold of plants with its little tail.
A.断电 B.接地 C.充分放电 D.防护用具 E.绝缘手套 F.略 [判断题]货物快运列车是指按“五固定”客车化模式,在货物快运中心站、作业站间开行的货物快运列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]牡丹皮的主要有效成分为
A.芍药苷 B.牡丹酚苷 C.丹皮酚 D.丹皮酚新苷 E.羟基芍药苷 [填空题]安全生产方针: 、 、 。
A.较强的适应能力 B.乐观开朗、宽容豁达 C.良好的忍耐力和自我控制力 D.高度的责任心、爱心 E.较强的实践技能 [单项选择]摩擦桩型的预制桩在沉桩时,主要质量控制指标是()。
A. 最后贯入度 B. 设计标高 C. 垂直度 D. 平面位置 [单选题]帮助卧床老年人使用便盆排便不正确的是( )
A.关闭门窗,必要时遮挡屏风 B.使用前检查便盆完整性,预防老年人皮肤受损 C.腰部不能抬起的老年人,先协助采用侧卧位放置便盆 D. 将便盆放置于老年人的臀下,开口向床头 E.发现排便异常,通知医护人员并按需要及时记录 我来回答: 提交