Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a
Boost Eating potatoes is not only good for bowel health, but also for the whole immune system, especially when they come in the form of a potato salad or eaten cold. In a study on an animal model, researchers in Spain found that pigs fed large quantities of raw potato starch (RPS) not only had a healthier bowel, but also decreased levels of white blood cells, such as leucocytes and lymphocytes in their blood. White blood cells are produced as a result of inflammation or disease, generally when the body is challenged. The general down-regulation of leucocytes observed by the Spanish researchers suggests an overall beneficial effect, a generally more healthy body. The reduction in leucocytes levels was about 15 percent. Lower lymphocyte lev A. They wanted to observe how the leukocyte levels reduced in the experimental pigs. B. They wanted to simulate the effects of a diet high in resistant starch. C. They wanted to see how much potato an experimental pig ate every day. D. They wanted do see how much body weight each experimental pig gained in the end. [单选题]新形势下党面临的“四大考验”分别是( )、改革开放考验、市场经济考验、外部环境考验。
A.其他国家考验 B.长期执政考验 C.金钱考验 D.文化入侵考验 [单项选择]建筑工程保险中,对于可以修复的部分损失,保险人()。
A. 按照保险金额进行赔偿 B. 按照保险金额扣除残值后进行赔偿 C. 支付修理费将保险财产修复到受损前的状态 D. 支付修理费将保险财产修复到受损前的状态,赔款中扣除修复中的残值 [单项选择]真核生物染色质中的组蛋白是()。
A. 酸性蛋白质 B. 碱性蛋白质 C. 一种转录因子 D. 带负电荷 E. 不带电荷 [判断题]救援机车进入断链区间救援时,密切注意地面线路标志,与被救援列车司机加强联系,及时掌握被救援列车的准确位置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,34岁。反复头痛、流脓鼻涕1年余。耳鼻喉科诊断为慢性鼻窦炎。该患者头痛的特点是()
A. 为全头痛 B. 平卧位可缓解 C. 多在清晨头痛 D. 月经期加重 E. 与情绪紧张有关 [多选题]客票票价包括( )
A.硬座票价 B.软座票价 C.加快票票价 D.空调票票价 [判断题]中央银行是发行的银行,所以除中央银行外任何其他金融机构的行为都不会影响货币供给。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]5元单点影片的有效期是多久
A.24小时 B.36小时 C.48小时 D.永久 [单选题]A330-300飞机洗手间的自动灭火瓶由重量在100-130克之间的无毒的________填冲。 答案:A
A.A.海伦1301 B.B.水 C.C.氧气 D.D.CO2 [判断题]库房内不准设置移动式照明灯具。照明灯具下方不准堆放物品,其垂直下方与储存物品水平间距不得小于零点三米。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人工补偿,是在自然补偿无法满足要求时在管道内加装人工补偿器。有方形补偿器、填料补偿器、波形补偿器、球形补偿器等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交