Passage 1 A bank’s bookkeeping system is trying to prove three things—that all the day’s transactions have gone through for the right amounts, that they have all been posted to the right accounts, and that the fresh balances of those accounts are correct after recording the transactions. The waste lists all the day’s transactions. At the end of the day you prove that no transactions are missing or wrong by balancing the total debits against the total credits. Next, you prove that all transactions have reached the ledger correctly by balancing the total debits and credits on various parts o A. Because the work must be finished in a very short period of time. B. Because it is unlikely for the same mistakes to be made in both ledger and statements and people can find the wrong entries without difficulty. C. Because it is difficult for only one person to do it. D. Because it is easy for people to discover mistakes by keeping accounts. [判断题](判断题)架空线路零线应位于最接近电杆处,高于相线的位置。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]具有较高温度的压缩空气,()后会析出油和水,应定期排出。
A. 加热 B. 冷却 C. 降压 D. 升压 [判断题]涡流探伤主要是通过观察涡状流动的电流变化量,来判断缺陷的探伤方法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于血液葡萄糖来源与去路的描述正确的是
A.短期饥饿时,肌糖原分解为葡萄糖 B.短期饥饿时,肝糖原分解为葡萄糖 C.葡萄糖去路为大部分转变成肌糖原 D.葡萄糖去路为大部分转变成肝糖原 E.葡萄糖去路为大部分转变成乳酸 [判断题]双机热备冗余的设备一定程度上保证系统的可靠性。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]桡骨茎突狭窄性肌腱鞘炎多发于()。
A. 从事网球运动者 B. 从事包装工作或拧衣服动作频繁者 C. 木工,裁缝 D. 有腕部外伤史者 E. 举重运动员 [单项选择]技师甲说,API的S级机油表示用于一般轿车,技师乙说,API的C级表示用于压燃的车辆。谁正确?()
A. 甲正确 B. 乙正确 C. 两人均正确 D. 两人均不正确 [判断题] 在瓷横担线路上允许挂梯作业,在转动横担的线路上挂梯前应将横担固定。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]举高喷射消防车接到报警,到达火场后,以下( )地方不适合作业。(中)
A.车辆上方没有障碍物,妨碍臂架的升、降或回转 B.地面坚硬、平坦,足以支撑支腿的重力 C.环境温度-35℃~+40℃ D.风速不大于5级 我来回答: 提交